No it's a park bench at an over look top of Camel Back Mt. here's original , I darken it up to bring out the clouds .
Yes it is , that was from the top of Camel back ski area , that storm was 30 miles or more to the east of me . I just got lucky to catch that bolt .
These ones were from a few days earlier when my son and I went and worked over a third of this doug fir. I figure there is about one and a quarter of a cord in this tree. My son tried his hand at a panorama shot. My splitter didnt have any problems with this doug fir round.
From my class the other night , some street photography . This was shot looking thru a glass door with all of the reflections and some of the office . I thought it was cool.
Yes, there’s a kite in this picture. Yes, this was the last full day of our little vacation. Yes, my BIL bought the kite new at the beginning of the trip. Yes, he flew it proudly every day on the beach, tying it off to his truck. Yes, this was working well until.... that very last afternoon, packing up the beach stuff, when I heard the unimaginable....”WTF!?! Why (he asked of his wife) the bleeeeeeep would you hand a bleeeeeeping $50 dollar kite to our bleeping 12 yo daughter?!? Bleeeeeep....bleeeeeepbleepblipbleeeeeepbleeppppppbleeeeep..... I cant believe you just bleeeeeeping did that.....BLEEEEEEEP.... Now, as some may recall Chaz referring to moi as “king of snar”.... oh bleep, you say it Chaz.....anywho..... me being me, I actually had to concentrate real hard on keeping not only my mouth shut, but also at hiding the nearly unpossible urge to laugh.... Yes, I succeeded. Yes, this is that kite, tangled by the spool on the lowest wire of the power lines, soaring high above.....throughout the evening and night. Yes, I am still laughing. It was a nice kite. ......was.....