TrinitySouth99 , I can almost smell the ocean when I look at those pictures, they're beautiful for sure! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks pal , I really appreciate that . I love B&W , it gives me more freedom , as the artist to render the subject in a wide range of moods . Here's a fox glove flower .
Thanks , I opened up the lens to f4 , for a shallower depth of field and this lens also allows me to get really close to the subject almost marco like , which gives the blurry back ground . I did a minimal amount of post editing where I lighten it up . This is the out of the camera shot .
will711 I like how you lightened the pic, it really makes the flower edges pop, and kind of a silvery effect. Not overdone, very nice. Sometimes people will way overdo it on editing. The minimalist approach is usually best, especially when the subject image is of good quality from the start.
I totally agree , I just finished up a certificate program at the community college , and that was one thing that was stressed . Make a good image to start with and you won't have to do too much to it afterwards .
I'm still in the dark ages when it comes to cameras.........Maybe I'll step up and buy a decent digital camera.
Nice collection Bert some nice old equipment there. I can't remember how long it's been since I used a quality camera. I remember that not having the capability or training to process my own film, it got to be an expensive hobby to learn rather quickly.
Thanks Chaz ! that's only about a half of it. I'm far from being any good at photography but I do have a passion for it!
That's a nice collection of film cameras there . I was a film guy too Olympus OM1 was my choice . Then for a number of years , I didn't shoot much as film was phasing out and digital was coming on . And like Chaz says , it was expensive , you could shoot a roll of 24 and maybe 2 -3 shots were keepers , but you paid for the rest to be processed . Then a few years ago got a nice point and shoot and rekindled my interest in photography , then up graded to a better point and shoot , finally last year took the plunge and got a Fuji XT 1 mirrorless , and just Love it . It's very old school , iso , shutter speed, are dials on the camera and , f stops on the lens , no messing around with in camera menus ... I highly recommend it .
After the post I took a quick look, they can be had in the 4-500 $ range, which is quite reasonable. I'm sure they were all "less" lenses of course. There's another area that can get pricey in a hurry. Although, it still seems like a good deal when the T2 costs in the $1500 range. Perhaps one day, but for now I've other priorities first.
I waited till the XT2 came out before I pulled the trigger , saved a boat load of $$ which I then spent on glass and they weren't cheap , but I did find some open box and used stuff . B&H photo is where I got most of my stuff and is also a source that I've used . I hear ya on other priorities , Chaz , at a point in my life where house is paid off , empty nesters , so the timing was right . Before that I couldn't justify dropping a few grand on my hobby .