Hello This should not happen! The old eyeball and trim ring was lost and could not be installed this year. So I went to the local pool supply and purchased a new good quality PoolMaster wall Return fitting and installed it. Well I could not get it to stop leaking! It was not leaking where it touched the pool wall so I know it was installed properly! It was leaking where the inside house adapter screws into the fitting that is attached to the pool! So I went back to the pool store and they said to put Teflon tape on the inside fitting. I asked where does it say in the new package that this needed to be done and did not get an answer because it does not say anywhere! So I bought some tape and put it on. Not too much and not to little! Well if the pipes were tapered, then this would probably have worked! However it did not! So I had some TFE plaster or plumbers Teflon Pipe thread paste and put that on. It does not harden so the pipes can be removed but of course in this case there is never a need to take these apart! Again that was better getting the leak from squirting out down to a slow dribble and would have worked if the pipes were tapered! There is about 20 PSI of pressure here and the Teflon Paste bottle states it does not hold the pressure especially if the pipes are not tapered! I am not the only one having this problem! See Small Leak on return on outside pool wall Home Depot has a new pipe dope called MegaLoc so I came home and gave that a shot. Where Teflon Pipe dope is white this is a light bluish green or aqua color and it worked! I also though PVC cement may work fine too. What would you do? Have you seen this problem? Pic 1&2 - shows a spray coming out and water dribbling down Pic 3 - fitting with MegaLoc Pic 4 - MegaLoc Pic 5-7 Where does it say how to stop it from leaking?
Then there is one last problem! The new wall or filter return should come with a 3rd gasket made out of a different material My new wall return did not come with this 3rd gasket so I had to make one out of a red silicone sheet. This worked well as you can see the cream color rubber gasket is even and not stretched out at approx 11 o’clock as in the pevious Pics! Piqc 8 - new red silicone holding gasket Pic 9 - Silicone sheet
How much droop is there in that hose? It's pulling down on the wall of the pool. Try a shorter piece, take some tension off the hose with a rope or cable, or run some pvc. I hate those damm pool fittings on the return.
Sounds like a job for the Flex Seal Man!! https://www.flexsealproducts.com/shop/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIs82c7f3S2wIVEr7ACh0KHgU0EAAYASAAEgLwl_D_BwE
Hello Here is a pic of the missing 3rd gasket. Looks like cardboard but does come with some wall returns! Make sure yours was installed with one.
It's made out of cork. If you tighten it down too much it rips the cork. Ask me how I know. What a dumb system. A cork gasket.. What year is this.
Yes that does look like cork. How do you know? I just chatted with someone else that knows this stuff and he said that if it does not come with the 3 rd Gasket, vasoline can be used on the outside of the rubber gasket so when you tighten the ring down the rubber gasket will not twist and stretch!
Hello After a while last summer those white gaskets started leaking! It made a big rust stain from the filter return fitting right down to the ground! So this year I went to my pool specialist and he recommended a more rubbery black gasket, one on the inside and one on the outside with the cork gasket on the outside over the black gasket so the black gasket does not rip or stretch. I also did not tighten it down too much! Thanks! Then I had to wire wheel the rust and used ultra high temp flat white header paint to make it look decent! So hope this works better!! Return Fitting Gaskets (Pack of 2 Rubber and 1 Cork) | Pool Supplies Canada