I don't have it on yet but I picked up a 10lb pork butt and a 10lb pork shoulder last night and they will be getting prepped tonight and placed on the smoker first thing in the morning. Probably going to smoke some jalapenos to. What are your plans for the weekend chow?
Sweet ! ! What temp you cooking the pork at? My pork butts at 200-230 deg take 2 hours/lb., so a 4 lb butt needs to be on by 10am or we are eating at 9PM. This weekend is up in the air. Been doing alot of pork this summer (better half's favorite is pork butt, sliced and ready for sammiches) so its time for a change. Thinking of a beef roast...checking out the market at lunch time today.
Those meals sound good, fellas! We've got my one buddy's annual Halloween party tomorrow evening, not sure what's for grub up there......I am thinking of doing some wings on the pit Sunday afternoon/evening, depending on when we get the Norway maple job finished up..... Of course, pics will be provided if we do the wings!!
Usually cook at 225-250 and both the shoulder and butt are #10 a piece so I will be getting them on around 5am. I have found that every cook goes differently but a 10lb butt usually takes around 10-12 hours. Once I have the meat on I will sometimes bump the temp up to around 300 to finish it off. I definitely keep it in the 225 range for the first 3 hours as that is when you are getting the smoke penetration.
Stuffed Italian Cabbage Rolls using a pork and rice stuffing and covered in a red sauce. The cost of beef is so high that I will be switching to pork which I rarely eat. I am looking forward to posts on cooking pork here in The Smokehouse.
A ahhhhh, 5am. I see that time of morning mon-fri but try not to on weekends. Yeah, I generally bump up temp once the meat hits around 165 or so. Maybe I am waiting too long. Comes off by 190. Some say to keep it on past 200 but comes out too dry for me. We dont smother it in bbq sauce, only add as needed to sammiches. Id rather enhance the flavor as the taste of the pork itself is way better than having it drowned out.
damm that sounds good. Is it lunch time yet, I'm hungry Beef prices are way high now, which is why I dont do Rib Roast the way I'd like to.....35-40 bucks for a smallish roast is out of my reach. I am hoping to be up soon on the list for a farm at the end of my street. She is still at about 4.50/lb for fresh beef/ hanging weight. I bought a quarter 2 years ago and looking for a half this time. But she has not had any available for this past summer. Has 2 steer coming due shortly but I dont know where I am on the waiting list. My last 2 burger meals were store bought...it is not even close to fresh (even frozen fresh). Market near me sometimes has Spoon Sirloin Roasts that are reasonable, in the 15-17 range. I want to try one of those out as the top/bottom roasts can be iffy for sandwiches...never know how tough it is going to be. I cooked a bottom round 2 weekend ago where it was perfect except for a damm vein in the middle that really made it difficult.
I usually wait until the meat hits the stall point and then bump the temps to 300 to push it through quicker. I also take it off at right around 190. The temp that it comes off isn't as important to me as the tenderness so I do check it right about 190 to see if it's tender and also to see if the bone feel like it will pull clean. 95% of them are done at 190. I have had one butt take until 210 before it wanted to pull clean but I suspect my thermometer may have been off on that one as I later had problems with the probe. I agree about the sauce. I make my own and we set it out as a side so you can put what you want on your sandwich. I like the flavor and smokiness of the meat myself so I don't put that much on it. Tomorrow I will be making a creamy coleslaw with Taragon vinegar and will be putting some of that on the sandwiches also. My mouth is watering now!
Tonight's dinner.......................... Sirloin strip was on sale, and yeah I picked up a roast of the same cut His and hers, guess which one's mine
I decided to get the butts on around 12:30am so I rubbed them down at 3:30 and through them back in the fridge. Smoker is up to 225 and holding steady and they will be headed on shortly. Hoping they will be off around 11-12 tomorrow then I will wrap them for a two hour rest and they will be ready to go shortly before OSU kicks off!
Well the smoker held steady at 230 since last night and the meat temp is up to 157. Man it smells great
damm that sounds like something nice to wake up to...better than coffee I have never tried an overnight cook. I would be a bit worried about bear being attracted to the smell at this time of year as they are fattening up for winter. Last year someone several towns over actually came home to a bear in their house that was after the smell of the crock pot. Must have been Yogi and Boo Boo, where is Ranger Smith when you need him !
it is awesome to be able to let the smoker run overnight! I had quite a few times when I cooked for a large group of people that I babysat it at night just because I was afraid something would go wrong and I would lose about 60# of meat. I ended up buying a PartyQ and now after I get it up to temp and steady I turn it on and go to bed without even worrying about it.
Party Q looks great. A member on the other site started using a auber industry pid controller this past spring and loves it as well, he says its like cheating, LOL. I really need to check into one of these. The only times I have had a cook go too high is during the summer if I leave for the afternoon and the summer sun is on the kamodo. I have come back to the temp running around 350 way too early. But having one of these controllers sounds interesting. Are they removable or once attached, they are on?
Not cooking anything outdoors this weekend but am using electric oven inside later today for this - Tourtiere - French Canadian meat pie with ground pork,chopped mushrooms,onion,celery,parsley,beef broth & various spices such as cinnamon,sage,ground cloves etc.Fixed it for the first time last year just before Thanksgiving,loved it so much had it again in late December & mid February.Excellent cold weather comfort food.Dont be afraid to use refridgerated pie crusts instead of rolling your own,its still gonna be awesome. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourtiere
We are having beautiful weather so I'm definitely running the smoker this weekend. I've got lamb ribs thawing now that I'm smoking this afternoon, and will probably do a butt or a chuckie tomorrow to make use of the weather. Great thread Certified!
Looks awesome, I am going to have to try this soon. I will cook it outside indirect in the kamado for even more flavor.