Hey Slackers, where else should I advertise this? (Selling it for my neighbor). 1957 Ford F-250 | eBay
I haven't here yet, but I will eventually. Going on some suggestions I did ebay nationwide and Houston Tx. I will do it here eventually, but I need to find time kwim, as well as they are numerous here and most no rust like this one here unlike the rust belt areas and places they are popular for pimping them out. Another member here emailed the Shifting Gears show for me. It's also been suggested to clean it up for better pics=better selling, but for many reasons that's likely not going to happen. Trying to get my neighbor (ya, close girl friend) a good price for it. She could use the $$, and I have internet access out here in the boonies and I'm willing to place the ads for her. Not going to ask WWW to help with cleaning it, he has already gone above and beyond the call of duty helping his wife's friend, you know what I mean, husbands do chores for their brides, not their brides friends.