Sure looks like it. Seems like decent enough wood to make the effort to gather up and stack. Not as good as some, better than others. I'll be dropping three large catalog trees in a couple of weeks, weather permitting. They were girdles a couple of years ago. Tjme to bring good them down. They'll be cut into rounds and rolled unto the woods. Not going to make the effort to css catalpa. Probably 2-3 cords worth, though. Good for campfires, I suppose. Sent from my SM-T280 using Tapatalk
Elm, i hit a round of elm as thick as my thigh a few times and the maul bounced right off. That stuff is tough to slit by hand. Nice loads
Another day... I've been stalking this Craigslist ad all week, and they finally called me. This was way in the back, and I had to hike it out. The people who came before me took the elm, which was in front. Ha! Going back tomorrow for a couple of big chunks.
I haven't come across locust since late last winter. Though, I got almost a cord and a half out of that one.
I usually do. It's just luck of the draw I think. I haven't been haunting CL too much lately. I went to haverhill a few weeks ago for a load of ash. Turned out to all be punky. I would have left it, but he literally put it on the street for me. Put it all right in the fire pit pile. Strike one for offer up
You never know. I went to this one not knowing if the locust would still be there. Helped that it was the farthest from the street, and looked old and nasty.
I'm so spoiled. No, it's just that I'm really trying to wrap up the wood thing before it gets too hot.
Winner winner chicken dinner. I personally don't like really hot weather, and wood hoarding in the heat sucks azz.