Yeah but put buds on lilacs.. Another week sweet smell of lilacs while listening to peepers.. Maple guys pull in taps. Life is good!!
We also have a big Lilac out front, a sweet smelling, pretty time of year. For a couple of weeks anyway.
Rarely burning wood, and barely using any heating oil. A fair bit of slightly above average temps forecast in the next couple weeks, and I have a ton of wood inside I either need to burn down, or lug back outside.
Yes, the idiots come out every year... That is a bit cool for Prescott at this time of the year but then, we've seen it pretty cold there at times. Bear with it, summer is almost to you.
A nice rain here this morning. Good as we have some new strawberry plants that can use it and so can the taters and peas and fruit trees and raspberries and etc, etc.
Just started to rain here. That's OK, I split a bunch of wood this morning, and pulled dandelions out of the lawn.
Where do you find them in your neck of the woods......old over grown apple orchars are the ticket here.
We find them in the timber. Under dying Elm with early bark peel going on seems to work. Then again I find them under my pine also. Some are to be found in fence lines exposed to nice sunshine . Old overgrown apple orchards are not real common around me. It rained again overnight. Nice and humid. I'll be looking again this AM.
We cut off some old hybrid poplar some years ago and for the next 3 or 4 years we had lots of mushrooms but they've petered out since. So perhaps one might look where trees have been cut out? Like around the tops that are left.
I'm big into the one's we call beef steaks or bblack velvets....usually find them here around the end of july beginning of august.....last into september....then ....chicken of the woods....