28F. Bubbling goo burning right now. About to restart the Wood Gun. Let it go out yesterday when the power was out.
January 107th by the Shawn Curry calendar in SW MI 28F with a couple inches of fresh snow to slick things up. 10MPH West wind. 22F real feel.
If this weather doesn't break within the next week to 10 days, I'm heading south. Really fed up with this crap. But, at least the sun is trying to shine this morning so maybe...
Please send some sun eastward, Dennis. We are all getting fed up with this winter. The sun keeps playing Peek-A-Boo.
Well Al. We didn't see much of it as it clouded over. 34 degrees and breezy here. Feels like January yet with that cold wind.
Nice! Going to have to wait for the mushrooms this year. Was that a shed you found while gathering mushrooms?
We got about a 30 second glimpse of the sun today. It was like a tease. I'll need to take vitamin D pills if this goes on any longer. Lol.
Just burnt my last stick of dry wood today ... I usually have wood left over at the end of the season. I’ll have to dig into next years supply. Unfortunately I have wood to process but the ground is so wet I’ll make a mud pie!
Plows were out once again today. Lots of slop on the highways this morning and slippery. Got a good melt during the day, thanks to the salt....so maybe we'll have dry and bare roads tomorrow. Backwoods Savage .....50's this weekend! Now all that white stuff will turn to liquid.