Sask; I think you will need to outfit into some Canada Goose Arctic parkas for next winter. You sure did get hit with it this winter. We've still got half a meter of snow on the ground most places here on the flat. But, this is Alaska. Lat 62°North You will have a busy summer putting up wood. Good thing about poplar, it seasons in about 4 months. Have you been able to get out in the woods and get them off the stump before the sap starts running ?
With our normal level of cold (cold but not Alaska cold!) I've always done quite well with nothing fancy, just layers of clothing. I'm somewhat of a mexican eskimo, I get used to hot or cold weather easily, but I get cabin fever from not being able to get out and about in the fields or bush. And obviously a guy gets plain tired of it when it never moderates or lasts too long. I'm probably not going to be able to get wood this spring from my normal places. Snow is too deep as is, and by the time it melts, it'll be too warm and sloppy to make it in and out of fields. That's what's nice about a slow thaw, even when it's melting in the day, night time firms it up and you can get in and get out before it's too sloppy. I do have about 3.5 cord, so worst case scenario, 2 truck loads of dry stuff and next winter shouldn't be a problem.
This is not what I expect for the middle of April. Heavy rain on Friday, snow and sleet on Saturday and a continuation of snow and sleet on Sunday. We had our Gospel Choir concert cancelled today. At least we made it to church this morning for our Pastors final service before starting his retirement tomorrow.
Here ya go Sean! Photo is a little off color but I was in town and snapped this one while leaving Costco.
You have to take into consideration the size of the area that's being heated, and how a guy manages the heat within that area.
Still burning oak. Temp today 34, tonight 33......................all this week night time temps are forecast at the freezing mark.
Serious wind here.. burning local branches and old downed stuff . Because I did not do my allow for April wood consumption. lol burning old Chinese Elm, Basswood, some half-rotten Oak. 25f I have few big wet oak chunks left also lol I never burned this much in April .. Crazy Heat550 Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk
We are still round the clock in the owb also. I'm adding all the cookies and uglies I can find, trying not to touch next year's supply.. Often by this point we're lighting up every other day or so. Not this year!
27F here. Got out with the fly rod for the first time this year today. Switched to a dry fly when it started snowing again and the browns started rising on the flakes. Caught a wicked chill after getting out of the water on the hike back to car. Im loading the stove like its February 15. I was sketchy on 3 years ahead last fall. I'm certainly not going to be there after this season. Back to heavy harvest mode....heavy hoarding mode,
Shoveled this afternoon. Just the driveway and walkway to the street and the OWB. Easily 8" at that time....more like 10 though. Still snowing since then. Schools are cancelling for tomorrow already.
35ºF outside, cold, rainy, dreary red maple in the stove probably thru tomorrow morning, maybe even all day. Supposed to be warmer but fairly heavy rain. We'll see. Supposed to be a crappy, chilly week. Filled the wood bin by the back door today. Looks like we'll use it all. I stopped filling it a week or so ago hoping it would warm up and we could get by with a basket of pine a day or so. I usually remove the wood bin and put a table and chairs in its place. Maybe in May.
32 here now and burning Oak & Maple. It feels so cold and raw out that it feels like winter out there. We had a few flakes and sleet, no accumulation.
32F here, wind finally died down after 36hrs. Cold East wind, rain, then snow, then ice, & now more snow/sleet/stuff. Still burning 24/7 & back into the good wood, sigh. Gonna have to do some serious cutting soon as the weather straightens up. 3 yr plan's been shot in the backside with this winter. Ash & Maple cooking now.
'Longest winter of my life': Edmonton breaks record with historic cold stretch It's one of those things where you almost have to read the article twice to catch the whole meaning as it's somewhat vague. Same as Winnipeg (Winterpeg, right!) and their claim to fame being the coldest city in Canada/the world. But when you look into it, it's really the coldest "major city" with "population over 500,000 or 800,000". In fact, we're more often colder than Winnipeg than not according to heat degree days. So I annoy people when they say something about being lucky we're not cold as Winn. I tell them Winnipeg is lucky they're not cold as us!'s been nice for about 4 minutes now in Sask., and it's raining already. Actually was a few degrees above freezing for quite some time, and the rain has been spotty since 7. Poplar uglies trying to burn with a very lazy draft.