Plastic wrap just on top like a blanket. Too dry in here with the wood stove. Some people poke a hole in the cells that a seedling has emerged, I just take the whole thing off and keep an eye on the drying out once the first few start pushing up on it. I'll put 6 packs in bread wrappers. Anything to hold the moisture in until green growth occurs, hopefully not just mold.
Yes. I buy a big 2 cubic foot bag. I'll use it 100% for peppers and in small cells and if I might have to divide seedlings rather than pinch one off. For bigger cells where I might use just plain potting mix or peat based seed starter I'll put a layer on the top as it is supposed to help with damping off. I don't usually get a lot of damping off but I've lost a seedling or two in the past to it. Pepper seeds supposedly don't like the acidty of peat, or peat without the PH adjusted so I use vermiculite. There's no nutrients in it so you either have to start with weak fertilizer after the first true leaves pop or transplant into a soil mix of some sort. I usually start in small cells just to save some space and not to have lots of lights for the first week or two.
I used epsom salt last year on everything and it was a big success. One tbsp in the planting hole and then a spray bath every couple weeks.
Good Stuff.... Smells horrible but good stuff... .... Thats a Good campfire discussion... Varying opinions.... kinda of like horizontal splitting or vertical... But I like epsom in the hole of the maters when first planted... never did the spray thing... May have to look into that...
The conservancy district man came by today. Very nice fellow, and WWW was able to make the appt too (planning windbreak and living snow fence, I can hardly drive a bobcat now so he will be doing most of it). My neighbor was here and she learned a lot too! Also, when I ordered from CSU in Colorado a decade or so ago it was sold per flat only, so like 30 trees, 25 bushes etc. per item. The man here let me know they break the flats and bundles and sell them individually!! Though the last day for pre order to get what you want was in mid March, he said it was no problem to cut my quantities in 1/2 as they would sell out during the open house sale. He had a laminated cheat sheet for windbreaks and snow breaks and walked us through it- AND - had the same one in brochure form for us to keep! He also suggested 3 other species that he doesn't carry, and suggested I look at foliage that grows in Siberia, as the soil and temps here are so close to there And the icky white mud stuff all over here??, especially in depressions in the land, are - ancient seawater salts. Because of the pahlow soil and limited precipitation here, they have never been soaked through into the ground since the ancient oceans!!!!!!!!! And Eric VW , it was fun to use a new word I learned from you, efflorescence, we were talking about the white stuff coming through the cracks in the garage floor. Also the word "form" above is correct
Now let me see if I have this right..... You got a form from the district man showing how to form a windbreak from trees/bushes that may be coming from CSU as long as the CRS doesn't kick in? Forming a living windbreak from trees/bushes ordered from CSU on a form from the district man sounds like a match from heaven. Can't wait for this project to form and see the pics from it! Moving right along, there has to be three conditions that are satisfied before efflorescence can form (this form is from the internet) Any questions?
Awesome! Nailed it. Now form my point of view I can say you’re turning into a well frommed college student!
Some buttercrunch lettuce that, according to Plan A, was supposed to get planted in the ground today. So I put a couple of them in these planters instead. They were in little bathroom drinking cups and starting to look like bonsai lettuce so I had to do something. Soil temp is still a bit cold yet even with remay and I couldn't find my 6 mil plastic, so this will have to do. Romaine didn't get terribly big in these last year but we'll see what happens. It's just lettuce. Yeah the deer really chowed down on that arborvitae and ugly-fied it. I didn't get the fence around it soon enough.
Looking good billb3. Peppers tomatoes and onion coming up nice inside, today ill start germinating cauliflower and beets inside. June 1st planning transplant
2 weeks ago i started the bell peppers, lunch box sweet assortment, some beefsteak & cherry tomatoes, onion, and mint. Today i planted the beets and cauliflower. May 1st ill start the cucumbers, zucchini/squash, lettuce assortments, & broccoli. I'll direct sow the corn, pole beans, carrots, spinach, & sugar snap peas June 1st. So far....... By May 1st all 5 shelves will be filled.
HOW FUN!! I ordered 2. Strawberries/flowers/squash. I'm thinking they won't blow away in the wind like all the other stuff. Not quite sure where they will sit but where ever it is they will drain either at my iris/tiger lilies (ya, thank you Chvymn99 , they are starting to sprout!!!!!!!!) or my patch of lawn, but they are next to each other anyway ) Not sure the cotton tails and jackrabbit/snowhare Xs are in the yard much since I'm up to 3 "barn" cats now , but hoping the elevation might help, besides, who cares? They are just so darn cute!! Think they will retain the limited water I put in there too. My first go around with these seed growing kits.
Thanks WS She said they would be ready next week. Check out the tire planter thing behind the tea cup, I could use that one too . I wonder how they are cutting those big tires, chainsaw? Sawzall?