I scavenged some more logs. Any idea on what type of trees these are? I was guessing the second tree is some sort of cherry. I was splitting it by hand and this second tree was much tougher to split. The first tree split like butter compared to the second. I was hoping to find out what type of trees these were and how long you suggest to let them season (2 years ?or can I get away with just 1year) year I
The first isn't Boxelder it sometimes has a red heartwood streak, I just got some, Although I have seen that wood before.. The second looks like Cherry, I just split a whole tree of it today.
Does that second one smell like aromatic wood? I’ve got some wood the bark looks a lot like that but gonna wait on a reply here first.
First is mulberry, second could be honey locust. Edit: in second look, apple is probably likely - bark is not right for honey locust.
#2 is Apple, I have quite a bit of it and I think it's great, the longer it dries the better it is, and it is heavy.
That was one heck of an apple tree. Good heat there for sure. We burn apple on Christmas morning in the owb, crank the thermostat, and open a window. The aroma hours nicely with Mrs Papi's hone made cinnamon rolls.