14F @ 3AM. Balmy. Light breeze. Light snow overnight. Looks like I am 5 whole deg. warmer than... E.Central Alaska posted above!! So much for shoulder season. Maple load in da stove now. Again. Coffee time.
Cold front came through after a brief rain. It’s in the 40’s this morning with about a 15 mph north wind. Burning soft maple and tulip poplar. Supposed to be in the 50’s down here today and a freeze is coming in a couple days. Little cool down here for April. I was starting to think about cleaning the pipes but not so fast I guess
Just above 32F on my back porch. Maple gasifying in the boiler chasing away a chill from this cloud covered, raining weather day.
Still below freezing. Everything around here is white. Wind is blowing it around. This weather sucks. Wife and I may have to take a trip to the south for a while.
Yup . Yopper Dave has been a bit colder than we've been some in the past few weeks Saskwoodburner , well he has really been getting slapped around by the cold. . He has actually had temps colder than on the Beaufort Sea coast , some this winter. Several members have had some real winter weather this winter. Overall its been a warmish winter for us.
Was another chilly night, around -19 C or 0 ish F and a dash of wind. Warmed up to -11 C feels -17 C, or 13 F feels 1 F at the moment. Poplar in the stove.
40 here, wind kicking up to 60mph. Teens over night for the weekend. If I didn't know any better, I'd say we were looking pretty good for December.. oops, is it April? Pine and a couple hickory sticks in the hungry boiler.
-3c/26f right now and light snowfall. Larch for the overnight as usual. It was -15c/5f when the kids went to school yesterday morning. We are all looking forward to when the snow melts. Wood harvesting is way off for me Im afraid. It doesnt help that I have 2-3 ft of snow in the yard and my dad who lives on Vancouver Island mowed his lawn a week or so ago. I see on the news that the fruit trees are blooming,,,, at least some of the flowering cherry trees. Seeing much of that FatBoy85? Some flowering tree pics would be nice if youre game buddy.
I'm locked in to a winter that just keeps giving . Fresh 6 inchs on ground from couple days ago . Still burning oak chunks . 13f . Heat550 Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk
Man, some of you guys are really getting a good Alaskan winter. Oh , sorry. Your not in Alaska. It's around +17 out. Light breeze . Poplar in the stove, closed down pretty snug. If it's any consolation, it still looks like winter here.
15 degrees. Bubbling goo keeping things warm this morning. I’m going to clean the Wood Gun again this morning and fire it back up ASAP.