32ºF snowed all morning, a light fluffy 4 or 5 inches, then from 12-1 it rained, 1-2 the sun came out and by 3 just about al the snow was gone. 2 or 3 days of 4 year seasoned white oak, then it is gone.
Giving you guys an idea how the burning is going... I just warm up the house. I built one because my daughter Alice asked “papa, can you build a fire?” . Enough said...
Cherry, pine, and black walnut in the quadrafire tonight. 34° . Rain, then snow tomorrow night into Wednesday. Then cold, with a low of 15° Wednesday and Thursday night. I'll be breaking out the heavy hitters then.
and who could resist a request like that eh? Your little girl wants a fire...I would be all over that as well.
-10c/14f here right now. The wood stove has coals raked forward with the air wide open awaiting its nightly offering of larch. A colleague of mine had her husband slam his sled into a hidden stump breaking his pelvis amongst other things. He may be out of work for a long time. Im hoping he gets out of the hospital soon and has a speedy recovery. We have so many sledding accidents and deaths in our area from collisions and avalanches. Thankfully this one will end with a husband coming home.
Winter's trying to act all tough now that the ice is all off down here, the ground is thawed, and the last few winters have really gone out quietly. Go ahead, try to prove you're tough old man winter. Blah blah blah.
Winter is still hanging on around here, currently -19 C or -2 F, with a hint of wind. So many times it was supposed to break, that I don't believe much more than 12 hours in the future when it comes to the forecast. Even then it's iffy, and more often than not gets colder than forecast. I'm really surprised at how well the fan is holding up on the stove though. That thing sure sure has some hours on it. Poplar in the reactor.
These temps are kinda aggravating high 20s-high 30s Almost to warm for a fire . Too cold for the propane to take the chill off Sun would be a plus at high 30s but we got that giant bucket of ice to our west creating cloud/fog cover on a daily basis !!!
OMG. That is one thing I always worried about; a hidden stump or rock. Around here I see lots of folks riding in the ditches alongside the roads when that is the only deep snow. That is scary knowing there are stumps and rocks in the ditches.
Same here. Tornado warning going on and flooding in counties around me. We are doing okay. I imagine tomorrow we will have to yank a knucklehead driver out of some water. I have decided Mother Nature must be going through menopause.
32F going into the 20's Sleet to snow overnight. 1-3" by morning. No one will remember how to drive. Good news is my commute to work consists of a few steps between house & shop. I'm tired of cloudy cold & damp. Ash & Cherry on duty.
+9 here . winds NE @ 10 mph. High for today was in the 40 ambient with winds to 15. Poplar and white spruce in the stove.