Nice work ole. Maybe it will cool back down so the guys can keep making maple syrup. Right no it is looking like it might be a very short season around here.
I know of several tree service companies in Madison and Janesville that will deliver a cord of "mixed hardwood" and dump in your drive for $300. Stacking the wood is extra $. I do not deliver my firewood. My customers come and get it. And it is not "mixed hardwood" it is 95% oak. I get $80 for a row which is 16" by 4 feet by 8 feet. Some call this a face cord. I call it a row. But my deal is if they buy 3 rows @ $80 a row the 4th row is free. So basically I sell 1 and 1/3 of a cord of oak for $240. My customers must like my firewood because they come back every year. I don't cut junk or punk. I leave that in my woods to rot away.
Consistency rules in a business like this because it means you show that all the time. People aren’t going to expect less. I sold firewood for pit fires for 20 a box that has about the same volume as a wheelbarrow. Much better buy than the bundles found here. It’s pine often left in a muddy area and halfway rotting. It’s a scam in a wrap! Anyways I had to start something for folks who wanted to burn this summer and needed something decent. Not something that would last no more than an hour. Dunno if you provide that service but the rotting oak that might be ‘ok’ might work best for this if you’re one to do that too. Not short changing anyone but outdoors, people might not mind so much about the wood being perfect. Just another market for you instead of leaving the wood out there.
I would say that is a great deal for your wood... I was thinking it was probably more where your at. I think you take care of your customers in a very fair way.
Well, I woke up at 5am and the temp was 24 deg F so I figured the neighbors cornfield was frozen. It was. I do not want to tear up his field so I hauled my last rounds in to the firewood processing facility also known as my shed. Had to use my headlights for the first load. Got it done by 8 am in four trips. My Honda Rancher 420 and trailer was up for the task. Paid $60 for that trailer on CraigsList. It is perfect in the woods. I am going help my other neighbor today he has some big cherry logs that he is going to cut up and then I haul it to his pile with my rig. So my splitting will wait. He likes it when I help him he is 78 years old and enjoys the height of my trailer. Much easier tossing his rounds in to my trailer than his F350 Ford truck - that thing is tall.
Good deal on helping the neighbor. If we are lucky enough we will all be there one day. I know that is only 11 years away for me.
Wife and I have lived here since 1997. This neighbor is a retired dairy farmer and he rents his farmland out to a cash cropper. I have NEVER observed this old guys two sons help him cut haul split stack his firewood one time. Not ONCE in 21 years. The sons live less than an hour away and this makes me sad they can't help Pa heat his house. I like turning trees into firewood and I think the old guy likes my company. He won't let me cut "that's my job" but I do everything else and I enjoy his company. He is as crisp as a cracker! I hope I can still run my saws when I'm 78,,,
Well now, I says any day in da woos dat ah tree dont falls on yo dang head is a gooood day! Nice work! The hill sides here are still a bit too muddy yet for me to be felling trees. Maybe next week.
34 years ago i was a head tractor driver on a large estate,and when we used to go in the big woods.and cut logs for the boss.he was a very ,very rich man and very good to us,the big house had over 40 radiators the house,and a very big log burner at the back of the house and it burnt tons, and tons of logs a year.and bales of straw,one man would feed it all day in the winter, that was his job.
Now that would be an interesting job but probably not too much fun. Surely is a lot of wood could go through that.
Very Nice Ole! I love Wisconsin and everyone in it! Except my brother-in-law! Very nice pics, and $60.00 for the cart, Super!!! My wife is from LaCrosse. I'd move there but -40º is to dam cold for me... I'll stick with -10º in New Hampshire some day. I have a Rancher also, Love it!