Around here brisket and chuck are close in price most of the time. For many uses I prefer the flavor of chuck, but sliced smoked brisket is always a special meal. It is highly unlikely you really dried out a brisket. What almost everyone does wrong with brisket is take it off before it is done and under done brisket seems dried out. That leads you to take it off even earlier the next time which is worse, and then people give up. To make a good smoked brisket you don’t need to wrap or know anything about stall or even what the internal temperature is. It is completely irrelevant. All you need to do is apply heat until the connective tissue breaks down and the meat is tender. The easiest and best way to know when it is done is to check for tenderness by feel and with a probe. The brisket should be like a blob of meat jello and a probe should go in like you are sticking it into warm butter. If in doubt, keep cooking. Overdone brisket will fall apart but it is still tastier and juicier than underdone brisket.
Similar to my first beef stews 25 years ago. When talking with my dad tlling him I over cooked it and dried it out he asked how long I cooked for. When I told him he told me it wasnt over cooked but under cooked. He was right and since then beef stew is started at 2-3am by putting the crock on a cheap off/on plug timer-no need for a fancy cooker with that stuff built in. Now that I started smoking about 8 years ago, stews are far less often in favor of more pulled beef
I gotta say SKEETER McCLUSKY and his dishes has got to be one of the highlights of this thread, but I love everyones food! Well, I got a dooler for the books... we have a meat market about 25 miles away and they have such fabulous stuff! Just everything is awesome and it's a small mom and pop operation, that's what makes it so nice. B ut there is one old fella in there makes up a "Special" pork roast if you ask him, it's not advertised unless you know him. Well, hows a stuffed pork roast with sweet garlic, cheese and sweet pork sausage stuffing covered in fresh bacon sound? This will be Sunday dinner for tommorow! I'm gonna slow cook/smoke it with some Hickory. Man I can't wait...
Surely you mean after WeldrDave cooks that fine concoction, right? Not pics of .... after....? As in .... post consumption.... and subsequent excrem... oh never mind, you get the point. Ima log off now....
Drooling over here! I do something similar with a pork loin. Whole pork loin on sale for $1.39lb, knock it in half, cut slits for garlic cloves and herbs, wrap in bacon, inject with Guinness, rub er down, and onto the smoker. The leftovers make great breakfast sammiches sliced thin and dropped on a toasted English muffin or bagel with a fried egg..
You guys made me jealous. Applewood smoked maple bacon and a pastrami underneath. The bacon is done and cooling in the fridge, but the durn pastrami is still waiting to hit 180° before I steam it to 203°. Next time I’m making four and freezing them.