Discussion in 'Everything Else (off topic)' started by dall, Sep 9, 2017.
Morning men.
morning dj hows you
Good so far.. daydreaming about turkey season already. How's Dallas?
And Clint
morning shawn hows you
Howdy hoes
morning clint hows you
I ain't gots a rats chance in heal against that!
I tried both...
Whose chain. Looks grabby. Looks like they have put some time on it, very nice
Good morning/afternoon guys.
Get any run time on the 346?
Don't think SF has a 346. He likes black n red
He has a nasty oe346. No?
It's a red max but the same saw. IIRC
Afternoon peoples, how’s you. Coffees on and imalive n havin to go to work in a bit.
Afternoon guys how's everyone
Super duper n so excited to go to work.