I'm going to buy some chainsaw pants and my dealer sells both Husqvarna and Stihl. Doesn't anyone prefer one over the other? I run Husqvarna saws so it may be against the rules to wear Stihl
I use the Husky pair of chaps and have another new set for when needed because I found them for cheap on Craigslist. I like the Labonville I bought for my son better. I think it was CoreyB that reviewed the Husky stuff recently.
I have thre husky pair. Was going to buy a Echo pair because they were a few bucks cheaper but I decided I didn't want the bright red. Good information here. chaps.htm Have you given any thought to logger pants instead. they don't hang up on limbs braires and tractor mointing and dismounting. Al
What are the difference between logger pants and chainsaw pants. I cut firewood from my forest and looking for something a bit better than my chaps for coverage and movement.
I have several pair of chainsaw pants , all but one pair were bought from Kijiji . I have the "Standard" and the "Urban Forestry" from stihl Safety Pants and Chaps | STIHL And I have some that are denim that I think are from Can-Swe Can-Swe Distributors Inc. - Canada's leader in quality outdoor work protective apparel. The nylon Stihl ones are comphy but hotter in the summer than the denim ones because the noylon doesn't breath as well , get a full wrap and protection above the knee is preferred . I'm happier with the pants over chaps , get the most comfortable ones you can find so you'll wear them . The price ,,,, well consider them as "Designer" jeans lol
I paid like $30 for these on sale and i love em. More comfy than full wrap and just as hot to wear in summer
I really like the Husqvarna pants. But I don't have any other to compare to. They are very comfortable and do well in the brush. Breath pretty good. I now have 4 pair and wear them as my shop pants as well.
I don't like belts and I don't like straps around my legs. An Amish tarp shop sews the chaps onto bibs for me,also a wedge pocket and a flap with a snap on my wallet pocket. Carharts for winter and blue denim for summer.These are very comfortable for me as I wear bib overalls 99.9 percent of the time
I've read several reviews stating the zippers break fast and the pants tear easy. Is this your experience,?
Stihl ‘Standard’ 3,000 Chaps - I got a set of these for Christmas. About $87 USD. I haven't made up my mind about them yet, but the leg buckles are rough and hard to unlatch.
I use these but they can be a little warm in the summer. AGO Industries Inc. - Hi-Vis (non FR) | Chainsaw Pant Non-FR
They're comfortable. I wear a 32_32 and these fit good. I can even squeeze them over a pair of Carhartt pants so winter time cutting is warmer. However the leg protection just barely goes mid thigh. I wish it was all the way up the front. IlI' report back this summer longevity
Good link, thanks! I have tried regular chaps but I'm all belly & no azz to keep 'em on , need pants & suspenders or bibs.