Interesting... Here my soil is getting high on the heavy metals, but it is because they use copper sulfate to treat the hoofs of cows at the dairy farm. That gets put into the manure which finds its way into the fields. Other heavy metals include zinc and iron. I am not organic by any means, but it is hard to down-play the virtues of good fertilizer. We applied a bunch last year from a company called Cavendish that was high in Potash and it really did wonders. I asked Katie if she could see what was not in our pastures, saying as soon as I told her, it would be obvious. It was actually milkweed, toxic to sheep, yet an application of potash snuffed it completely from the pasture. You could actually see where I applied it and did not. It was 05/13/41 on the NPK.
Rope i cannot imagine. What about vehicle oil. How do you keep it warm? Do they have oil pan heaters?
You can have your Alaska cold back we have been enjoying it hear in Minnesota last 15 days .. yes we have heaters on everything if we want it to start even in Minnesota. Heat550 Magnetic oil pan heaters are pricless Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk
low of 9 tonight with of high of 37 tomorrow with a low of 8 suppose to get 1-3 inches of white stuff tomorrow afternoon yuck! its 77 in here with the air vents wide open burning hackberry and cherry i let the fire die earlier like a moron.
my local news station snapped some photos of mammoth cave national park and the green river from the recent snow the other night.
11F and a mix of locust, and some dimensional lumber. Tossed a couple soft 2x6's and some red oak 4x6's in to see how dry they are. Minimal hissing due to yesterday's rain, gotta get it all cut up and in the house asap.
15 now, they say 11 for the low tonight, got a load of mostly Ash with some hickory and Oak choochin in the Lopi
19* and a light snow is falling. The stove is loaded with red oak, one hedge round, and a mulberry split. That should give me enough coals for an easy relight in the morning.
Problem with the magnetic is it takes way more watts to transfer the heat. Where as a pad works better. IMO.
1.5 watt trickle charger. I run 150 watt pad on my oil pan . 100 on the tranny pan . 1200 watts to the block and a trickle charger to the battery. When I plug in my rig , It Costs. We pay at least 50 cents a kilowatt. But . That's ALOT cheaper than mechanical problems. 23 above and snowing hard still . have gotten around 1 foot today. Poplar puttering along in the stove . Had 1 power outage so far this evening
Same as the magnetic, except have to clean the pan real good with brake cleaner. Used to be they needed high temp RTV smeared on them. They were reasonably priced. Now they are peel and stick and cost twice as much. The cords on these Katz heater pads are junk . They break real easy in the cold. I route all my heater plugs to a central 4 gang galvanized house hold outlet box , mounted in the engine compartment somewhere. And run a Polar/Solar 10 or 12 gauge cord out the front of the rig. With careful routing and tie wrapping the individual heater cords last .