Ahhh, that makes more sense than a new type of veggie burger. -3 this AM at 7:45. So yeah it got cold last night with no clouds. Just rechooched with pine, elm and, elm I guess.
16ºF outside right now. same old routine earlier. Stick a few pine kindlings into the few remaining coals from last night's load of oak remains. A split or two of pine to help get the stove a bit hotter quicker and some red oak. Kinda rationing the pine cuz I haven't a lot left. Should be working on that rather than sitting here sipping coffee tapping on my laptop keyboard.
What's (the clear material ) behind the temp gauge ? Corrugated polycarb or strip pvc or X ? Space-time anomaly ?
50s yesterday near 0 this am, burning spruce. Did a mid season clean out of the stove yesterday. Full reload on hot coals, the air and pipe damper are completely closed.
Oh c'mon WS, you got a nicely cleaned and fixed up stove to handle it. Gooder. In news from troll-land, we're heading for a little warmup that might just last the rest of the winter........riiiiight. Not gonna hold mah breath for that. 6 OAT right now and 73 IAT, which is what it wuz about 2 hours ago. Been burning down coals since then. Supposed to hit 19 today and tomorrow.
-7 this mornin, 5 now, they say High 20 today A chunk of ash with oak n hickory keepin house nice n toasty
A couple nights ago I got up in the middle of the night and the temperature outside was 50 and we had no fire in the stove. Last night I got up and it was -6 outside and stove was full of coals. I was surprised that the inside temperature was down to 75! I put a couple sticks in the stove and went back to bed. Last night's forecast was for a low of 4 degrees. It ended up to be -9 degrees. Not bad NOAA. You only missed by 13 degrees.
Sunny and -23 C feels -33 C, or -9 F feels -27 F today. Only a couple more days until it (apparently) moderates a bit. It feels like a Charlie Brown and Lucy holding the football moment though when it comes to the weather forecast.
+8 here and snowing. Calling for it to get up to +30 and some rain. I could do without that !!! Burning some poplar that I dug out yesterday. It's kinda green so I throw a split of Bone dry white spruce pumpkin heart in on the bottom and the greenish poplar on top of it. I've been keeping some super dry stuff just for this kind of need. If I had got this stuff processed when I brought it home. It would have lost a good amount of moisture in the woodshed. Oh well.
Its a mild -2c/28f here. I was half asleep last night when it was reload time so as a result the stove is cold now. Not a big deal, Ill get off my butt soon and find some kindling. Happy Sunday everyone!
55 degrees and climbing! Turned the pellet stove off. Burning manufactured stuff. Bear Bricks, North Idaho Energy Logs.