Even though it's been crazy warm, 57* now and raining hard. We still haven't lost our snow, pics from a moment ago.
It was 65° here yesterday at 3pm. It's 16° now, supposed to drop to 2° tonight. The house was warm from yesterday when I woke up, but I just started the stove...
57f here.....2 degrees warmer than Daytona Beach??? With any luck, I will have gambled and won by not clearing my roof. I could hear rain gurgling down the drain spouts last night, so I think/hope Im good! No dripping over the edges of the gutter anymore. It was low 60s in the house last night. I threw a mixed bag in the stove and the house got up to 78F. Still around 72 now. Temps are supposed to bottom out in the next few hours, and will be 50 degrees colder by tomorrow morning. Crazy stuff! I wouldn't have lost an entire day!
If you were thinking of how, and where you were gonna get more wood while enjoying a cocktail, it wasn't a lost day.
I don't sleep well in February and March unless I cut some trees down, or get some wood given to me. I keep thinking about wood, it's a primal urge that I need to get wood. Going on close to 40 years. kinda like birds knowing it is time to migrate. It sounds silly, but we c/s/s and plant and harvest by the seasons. I want my wood gathering and processing done before it gets hot. When I was young and not as smart I'd be cutting in July. Not if I can help it now.
62* yesterday....25* now w/.5" fresh snow...yesterday all gone . 2 medium splits of black locust keep the house at 69*. Add 2 about every 2-3 hrs.
12 out this morning at 7, measured the snow, we have 7 inches on top of ice. Just back in from snow blowing our drive and 5 neighbors. 72 inside with elm and cherry in the Buck, wife stirring up some batter for waffles on the new iron that Santa left here.
It will get chipped onsite sometime next summer. Where the chips go, I've often wondered, but haven't asked. I think at one time it was mixed with sewage sludge from the treatment plant, and then added to the landfill. I don't know if that is still the case.
18* but sunny and little wind. It feels good outside really. Today would be a good day to do some cutting and splitting but I have too many honey dos scheduled today. Stove is choochin' on hickory and cherry.
They do that here and it is sold as potting soil. Name brand. Sewer sludge is fertilizer. All the leaves, lawn clippings and compostables go into it. Big mountains at the sewer plant. We have a huge stump grinder. Guess what our bylaws are regarding burying stumps and waste onsite ? Big pollution fines unless trucked to the treatment plant. $$$$$ If the bag of potting soil you buy at the store does not specifically say 'safe for growing vegetables ' assume the fertilizer content comes from sewer sludge. Flowers thrive on it. You probably don't want to be consuming the heavy metals.
Straight up -37 C or -35 F, no wind at all. Quite a year for cold weather so far. I'm just glad for the snow we got days ago to keep the skirting insulated better.
Didn't get out to push the snow around yesterday so did that this morning. Not necessarily a fun job when it is 12 degrees and snowing while shoving that stuff around. Thankfully it is not windy though. Changed gloves a couple times to keep fingers from freezing. Put soapstone in the gloves to warm them on the inside too. Sweet!