Walking in a winter wonderland this evening. Snow rolled in earlier and is having a grand old time. -15 C feels -25 C, or 6 F feels -3 F Did a little banking on the trailer skirting, and boy does the wind help! I could throw a shovel full about 5 feet, but the wind would carry it another 5 or 6. Dogs not caring for it at all, they're reverting to eco mode.
Got up to 36F today with some sun, what a beautiful feeling on the face. Could go out & get cars in etc with no coat. 29 now & not gonna drop much more. Easy heating with Cherry & 1/2 the wood usage of 0 & below. Two more warm days, then back to the deep freeze. Oh well, it is January after all.
I don't know how u guys with such awesome and dry wood burn SOOO much wood. Its not even that cold where y'all are . Maybe your heating some HUMUNGUS house of sumthin ? At 40 below and colder Ill burn a cord of mostly green poplar in 2 weeks . if there's a some 50 below thrown in then maybe 11 or 12 days. ????? But then . Having lived and worked in the Arctic. I learned the #1 rule of the Arctic. Can you guess what it is ? Currently 26 underneath F . Poplar
Sunofagunderson. Blankety blank times 100. Blank blank blank. Y'ALL NEED SOME INSULATION Fudge Sickle . WOW!!!! How much do you guys pay for heating oil? At the roughly $3 per gallon here. I could buy a brand new 372 Husky every 3 weeks. Or pay for a used wheel skidded in 1 winter. I haven't sounded our fuel tank in a couple months . But I doubt we've burned 40 gallons since PFD time. 1st week of October. I know your not burning oil in that house now. But Wow. That's ALOT of money. I think I would frame floors,walls and ceilings inside the existing house . fill with spray foam and refinish.
Some of those old farm houses don’t have much for insulation. Some have sawdust, newspapers. Think back to some of those houses in Maine.
It got up to freezing this afternoon, along with 1/8" freezing rain. The yard is a poor excuse for a skating rink now. I did fill up the back of the half ton with poplar before it got too bad. 200 miles south of saskwoodburner.
We still have a few old houses in our area that are very lacking in insulation but those are the real old ones dating back to the 1910s, 1920s. I would hate to see the heating bills on those! I wish I payed more attention to how much Ive burned during our coldest spells but dont keep track all that much. I sure notice the difference from January usage to April thats for sure. Weve been mild the last few days with a high today of 0c/32 with moderate snow fall. Its fallen to -9c/15f in the last 4 hours which is a quick drop in my books. Its windy as hell outside and another 8 inches of drifting snow expected over night. Doug fir is giving a gentle glow in the stove.
Buddy that’s cold. I don’t even want to think how much wood I would have to burn to compensate for those temperature differentials!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back to burning the less than prime wood now that the temps have spiked. Silver maple, sycamore and some less than ideally seasoned Norway maple. Many short and awkward splits that had me scratching my head asking "why did I cut it like this and stack it this way.....???"
I hear ya on the random length pieces. Pain in da neck fer sure. But like my father in law who burned wood his whole life used to say “ we gotta burn it cause we own it!”
16* here now, I'm back to burning less than prime here myself, Elm & Red Maple. Highs in the 30's today.
It's 43* and raining here. I grabbed some hickory out of the garage because I didn't want to go get lesser wood from the barn. We are suppose to make it into the 50*'s today so I will let the fire die out and the heat pump take over. The temps take a dive Thursday night and we will be back to 24/7 burning.