Teens overnight with a bit of wind - walnut and cherry carrying the load. It is going to smell fantastic outside!
Hard as it may be to believe I have a Central Boiler 6048 heating two old farm houses & some domestic water for our milk house. In weather like last week zero & sub zero weather we will burn a full cord ( not a face cord) in 7 days.And I’m sorry to say I’m not exaggerating.
Hit 29 today, which was nice-ish. Much better than than last few days, for sure. Supposed to hit 40 tomorrow, then 48 on Thursday. Think I'll rake the roof in the morning. I still haven't followed Dennis' advice to put up some sand in buckets for the inevitable Jan. thaw that turns everything into a skating/falling rink. Oh, one Ash split in the stove for the last couple hours keeping the IAT at 75, with an OAT of 21. Just about ready to put another split in.
I hear you, I posted the question because I believe a lot of people don’t realize how much wood it takes when it’s below zero. Sounds like you heating a lot of sq ft. What would the equivalent of HHO been?
I burn between 15-20 cords a year. Most think I am kidding, but in the recent cold spell they are beside themselves with what they have burned in a few days. I am right at 110 degrees difference between inside and out. It costs BTU’s. In HHO that would be in the $9,000 range give or take a grand. We have been below freezing since September. I have been through some wood in five months without letting the stove die out.
That is an interesting question which I guess I can answer best by telling you that the older of the houses will go through a tank full or oil (275) gallons about every 3 weeks. The other house I’m not sure of because we did quite a bit of improvements to & hooked the owb up to a new hot water system directly so I don’t really know what it would take to heat that one.
One thing I can say is that both houses are a lot more comfortable temperature wise than they ever were before we had the owb. Do you have an owb as well Rope?
Not sure what a gallon is going for there but sounds like you are ahead of the game. 3 cords for up to 400-500 gallons of HHO.
We have refineries, we always have wondered how the can ship fuel thousands of miles and y’all pay less than we do.