Almost, we have electricity but no gas or water. Our water supply is a spring with a hydrolic ram pump (gravity fed). We fill 22 x 325 gal water barrels up in Spring. Eventually we hope to get a decent well by the house. The current supply is only for the cabin and I go through about 1/3 to 3/4 during the year. Depends on the weather and if i have a big garden.
I like your style, hard work, but worth it IMHO. Stay warm! Started life in Green briar AR a long time ago. Still miss the state.
Taking advantage of the warm weather (15!) to burn down some of coal mountain with hemlock and pine. Supposed to bottom out at zero so it'll be back to sugar maple over night. Pretty sure I agree with the btu charts that have this stuff in the red oak neighborhood. Been running it almost exclusively during the winter weather and it hasn't missed a beat. Very glad to have a whole bunch more in the stacks and waiting to be css!
Transporter. Oak slab mover 4 loads in the boiler over night on our coldest night so far. We're in a heatwave 12f now .. Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk
Got down in the mid to low teens hear for the past couple of nights so I dug into some 3 year plus seasoned white oak. With white oak, it has been my experience that three years in the stacks is the minimum, but it is worth the wait when bottom falls out here in the South
Dragons Unleashed on oak slabs. Subzero -18f ( I call my draft fans Dragons on the boiler ) Taming Dragons for years lol. I just got this pic off my SD card because cellphone creates errors at subzero. We need artic cellphones. Heat550 Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk
It's 3* in central Indiana now, and we aren't suppose to drop below zero tonight. Tomorrow is even better news, we are suppose to make it to 20*F. That will be a good chance to go cut some wood and bring a load back to restock some in the garage.
Currently 8°F dropping to 1°F overnight! Seems like a heatwave tonight and tomorrow compared to what we've been having. Snowing and the WS is chooching!
About 17 F here. Suppose to be a low of 12. Wind is blowing and making it much colder though. I have a load of Maple and Ash in the boiler for the overnight.
Just have to keep your phone in an inside pocket. When it gets cold and I'm out in it. 30 below and colder. I put a hand warmer in the phone pocket. Then put the done ontop of it. I've destroyed a couple fons by freezing them solid. Most MilSpec phones are rated between -11°F down thru -23°F.
12°F here right now. Heat pumps don't like this cold weather so I have it set at 58 degrees. Keeping warm with a mix of cherry and white oak with a jack russell wedged under my blanket. Currently watching Blues hockey with Dominos takeout and it doesn't get any better.
A lonely 1F here with a windchill of -9 to -18. Not supposed to drop too much more. Snow coming in they say, oh boy, Ash with a Cherry kicker going in for the overnight. Up early to plow before work. I'm sooooo excited. NOT.
You were more than 40 degrees colder in Tok than we got to in Glennallen today. . 130 miles further from the beach and the Mentasta mountains. Delta was the happy middle ground temp wise. And it's even farther from the salt water . with bigger mountains blocking the way. Funny deal. I haven't figured it out yet. 27 above here now. Small poplar fire in the stove.
Awesome like the snowmobile I have a old 1997 MXZ 670 best rig I ever bought new. Endless torq. Heat550 Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk