-14 here this morning as well. Pine and a little Maple this morning. I’ve got some outside work to do in the barn this afternoon. If it really hits 17 that will feel gooder.
-1 outside with a super moon on a clear cloudless sky windchill is around -6 its up to 73 in here just got done scooping the ashes out of the stove. currently filled with oak and hickory. the coffee and tobaccy sure is nice this morning.
Debarked oak slabs -10f 80f in living room. Heating 6600sqft . Rain cap on chimney extension sometimes has red glow to it . Between Cycles on boiler. Heat550 Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk
-12* this morning. House was 68* with our heat pump running on auxiliary heat when I got home . I did clean some ashes out and reloaded with ash and hickory. Stove is cranking now and the heat pump is off.
Stove keeps up good while there is someone here to load it. If i load it around 830pm at night lets say, the oil will kick in around 430 in the morning. I'm up an hour later, reload, and usually good until about 430 in the afternoon which someone or myself can reload by then. Having a pellet stove as a kicker stove helps when needed.
It's 16º in the yard and was about 12º over night. not changed much, Grandma is got a fresh load of big split Maple in her, good till about 10am. House was 62º inside when I got up, warming up now! Weather | Personal Weather Station: KNJNORTH13 by Wunderground.com | Weather Underground
-18 this morning, didn't get to 0 yesterday, today's a thaw it' going to hit single digits above 0. Burning lots of dry wood mostly sugar maple as its the best I got!
Well Seasoned it might be 28 below but no wind. come on.. Lady morning half our outside is down to 10 minutes..
Man, the chiawaua bolted to the door holding up his front paw, and even maple plowing through the snow realized how cold it was and pushed out turds like a gatling gun