In a hotel in Spokane Washington after driving most of the day from the wet coast, lovely town. I went out for Thai food with the family tonight and then hit the pool with my son. Debating if we will make it back to the Rockies tomorrow as there is all types of crazy dangerous snow predictions out there for northern Idaho, northern Montana where we will be traveling on our way back to south eastern bc. We may just stay in this great town another day.
Here’s our view of Spokane from our hotel window tonight. Kinda nice. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
17 below last I checked. Likley heading down to the 20s below by morning. Poplar and cottonwood in the stove . Draft set fairly chocked for the night.
If y'all have a straight shot from a cold room to a warm room or the room the wood stove is in. Put a small fan in the doorway of the cold room . Blowing cold air from the cold room towards the wood stove / warm room. It will warm the cold room right up . In 1/2 hour or less . And use miniscule electricity, and be safer all the way around .
Good frosty mornin to you all out there. It's -8 F here, I thought it would be a little cooler than that, it may still drop a little more. Oak, Oak, & more Oak on the menu today. It's supposed to be even colder Sunday & Monday nights, we shall see.
It only got down to -1 here, better that the -4 predicted I guess? Supposed to get up to 18F today.....thinking of calling in sick and hitting the beach.
Yeeeep. -24F out there right now. My "I'm too old for this s---" gene is really telling me it's a stay at home day. LOL. Fortunately, the only thing I have to do today is clean up the reloading room and make a pistol rack for the top shelf in my safe. All of the tools necessary for the pistol rack are in the garage...with a 50K BTU natural gas heater up in the corner. Happy new year BTW everybody...only a couple more days.
Kinda chilly this morning, wish I hadn't left my winter front for my truck at camp 2 hours away. damm diesels
Holy heatwave Batman! We are suppose to see 20* today before the temps plummet back south of zero. Two mulberry splits and 3 ash splits on the coals this morning. Now I'm at work and it will be up to my wife to keep the house warm.