This is my first full year with the stove. I'm glad to say I haven't really needed it much warmer than the 450ish mark but like the idea I can go higher! I do recall close to 500 at one time now that I think of it. It will hold the mid 400s for quite a few hours and that helps greatly over the quick peak and glide of the tube stove we used to have. Also if I'm home I can keep bumping the air up to maintain the temps for even longer. I guess I will have to kick it into the next gear this weekend with the temps that are coming. Highs in the single digits below zero, lows close to -20. Now I feel challenged to head for the upper 500s! Thanks for the peace of mind Backwoods Savage
Stoke it up my friend! I just reloaded my itty bitty insert at 450*. Upper 500 is nothing to worry about!
Warming up today. Already up to 3 with some light snow. 75 in the stove room with hickory and red oak making heat.
40F out, We had a fire going last night. I’m procrastinating on lighting the stove since its only 62° in here.
Its cold, and im burning everything in the rack, just jamming it all in there lol!! Went out this morning to do some chores and it was cold, it was painful!! Typically there are squirrels running around the yard raiding the bird feeders and suet cakes, not today lol