Went for a three mile hike just before sunset for signs of deer. Nothing. Not even bunny prints. One set of dog prints and there's usually three different dogs wandering here. I don't see 'em, just their prints in the snow. Nights like this a 2 and 0.6 cu.ft stove are too small. Stuffed with 4 year old white oak Stay warm.
Winter is here huh. I was looking thru all these posts thinking about how mild the last few winters here have been. My 3 year old daughter has really never seen a snowfall of more than 2-3". Heck from 2003-2011, we had some of the coldest and snowiest winters it seems.
With this forecast the hearthstone has its work cut out. A steady diet of cherry, maple, oak and apple.
Ash and mulberry are cruising right now. House temps are 69-73*F. Outside it is 9*F. This is a good time to enjoy a beer and sit by the stove.
Yup, until you move 5 or so full loads of wood through the stove in a day it is just coasting along. In this weather, a stove top temp below 500 is a call for action.
My sister lives in Darwin NT, she came down for Christmas with her husband and twin 4 year old sons. She had to buy the twins sweat pants because they were cold. The twins did not like wearing long pants, they weren't used to it they have only ever worn shorts and t-shirts until last week. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We were expecting 1° this morning but woke up to -15°. Feeling better at +5° now. Looks like below zero every night for the next week. I’m wondering if I’m up to felling this weekend or if I should take a pass and do some work inside. No wind and a little sun would help a lot.
I was in NT in 1996 it was coldest temp on record around 68 f ... the locals bought ever jumper and jeans I had they were I went swimming they're reaction water temperature was 74... I had just left negative temps
Agree, not bad in the sun without wind, but once that sun goes down, you know it! Tree felling..... the snow will get deeper soon.
Headed below zero again tonight. Just loaded the stove with enough hedge and black locust to launch the space shuttle.
i need a stove at each of the house between the drafty winders and poor insulation and i need to clean the mess around the stove. its currently 10 outside with a windchill around -5 its 64 in here and im NOT liking it wish it was 75. currently burning red oak and some cherry. my 50.00 used stove that replaced my ashley that burned out after 30 years of service. the pot on the top is water to keep moisture in the house.
Good point about the snow depth. At 12” now, which keeps the wood clean while skidding but isn’t enough to impede navigation. The warmest day in sight is Saturday, at 13°, but I’ve got a cow going to the great beyond then. Sunday says a sunny 5° with a breeze. I need to quit the day job to have more flexibility for the important stuff.
I worked outside for a bit today, it was maybe 3°. But it wasn't windy compared to yesterday. I still had to wear a balaclava to protect my face. Those insulated work bibs I got for Christmas are very appreciated. Climate change. More unpredictable extreme shifts in weather.