Sorry to hear about that, we all hate ice I'm sure. Hope the fellow is feeling better, he must have one heck of a headache.
11 deg here in the city with no pity ... winds have died down to 15 mph so not as bad ... more snow forecast but nothing like Erie Pa ... those peeps are buried up to their necks in snow !!!
-2 degrees with hedgeapple, ash and hickory loaded in the owb last nite, gonna' finish my coffee and go tend to the greeady hungry sob. 10 is guessed at for the hi today.
We are at a big fat 0* here in central Indiana. My wife kept the stove going while I was on duty and I cam home to about 3" of coals on the bottom. I cranked it up with a couple of splits of ash and 3 pieces of pine. Next will be more ash and cherry.