Were suppose to be going down to like 13f after the first of the year. I wish i had my secind stove installed for this year!! I promise you my stove will be set to nuclear this whole week!
-3 here now... Just got back from a trip to the wood piles for some stronger stuff. Need to reload the rack in garage tomorrow.
Headed over to brother's house to let his dogs out before bed (they're out of town for a few), and the car was reading -3 for a bit. Chilly. I had started a fire before going, and when I got home it had gone from 72 to 75. It's still at 75 in here. I musta done something right recently.
It's starting to cool off here now. I love reading this thread on warm days it makes me feel cooler just reading it. I can't imagine what it's like to be at -20. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I hope everyone had a nice Christmas. Im still on the west coast for a few more days. Its -24c/-11f back home where the stove sits cold in the dark. Its a bone chilling, hold onto your hats -1c/30f in White Rock BC where I am tonight. Its nice to get out of the mountains and spend some time with loved ones in the city and on Pender Island where we were for the last four days. Did some poking around down at the ocean today. It was nice for a change.
currently 13 windchill is around -10 to -20 high today is 18 with winds at 5-10 mph. its 69 in here and i got a mixed load of green honey locust mixed with seasoned black locust.
Good morning out there, -2 F here this am. They say it's going to start getting cold here soon, I'm ready for it. Plenty of cheerfully bright red coals were waiting for me when I opened the stove and tossed in some hard maple and cherry. I'll be feeding oak next and throughout the morning. The house was at 70 when I got up.
Mornin! Currently sitting at 8F according to my phone. The thermometer needs new batteries and won't work when it' this cold. I have new lithium replacements, but they're in the car. Main floor was at 70 when I woke up. Second floor 61 in my bedroom, a little too cold for my liking. May need to put a fan at the bottom of the stairs? Currently two large white pine splits blazing away while the oals burn down.
It is cold and very still air here, I just went out to get some wood and the snow was so "squeaky". It was loud, I love that sound, it only happens when it is really cold. You probably coulda heard me walking on my paths 200 feet away.
We are at 11 degrees. I'm surprised you are that much colder and about a half hour from me as the crow flies. Are you in a valley or low area? Nice fat oak splits and maple today.
Yeah, we are in a low spot, lake level. The cold seems to settle in this area. I have a mercury thermometer that seems very accurate. At 31 it snows and at 33 it is rain. So I believe it. I just checked it again, it's now -3.
-18 with a feel like -32 now. A little warmer than yesterday morning. Tomorrow daytime, should get above zero....barely, but still above!
well I said ,"I HATE ICE,HATE IT!!!" Yesterday a 75 yr/old guy picking up an employee took a header in my business parking lot. concussed and 8 stitches, some 8 hours later he got home!!!!. We had one of those 20 min. freezes in a whiteout squall. TIHS??????? I HATE ICE. wish the 1-2 inch snowfall was never plowed, with only a handful(2-3 cars) we don't sand/salt the lot. I HATE ICE, HATE IT!!!