May just have to get one and when the house is warm, she will forgive the stunning good looks of a BKK I have the older non glass doors. I looked last year at a new one with the glass doors. I never thought, not in my house. Then again I know how the work, and don't care what it looks like.
He can think all he wants, but that smell ain't comin' from me OR the dogs. Neither is that sound. Driving home yesterday from downstate, she snored so loud, she woke herself up. Startled me so bad, I almost ran off the road.
Warmed up to -9 but the wind chill is at -30. Feels colder than that, but....mehhh! Don't want to be outside at any rate!
My fire gets heat from the bottom and sends it back through as jets of air . Sometimes does this to wood if it burns just right.
-2 °F , last night, 7 °F now, the plus is there is some nice sunshine helping to warm the house Wind Chill -10°F (-23°C) shoveled the porch off but it's cold, I can drive through the snow that's in the driveway no problem They say Low tonight -2 °F probably be colder. Burnin a chunk of Ash with shagbark and oak
Red oak doing the deed, wind chill -3. Looks like a little cold snap on the way this week. This will be the warmest day till Wednesday according to the weather guessers.
Saw a log of -9 this morning. Just barely above zero now. Burning some red oak and shag hickory but it still can't keep up. At least the furnace doesn't run all the time.
Same here. Keeping the furnace running as little as possible. I've been thinking about putting a wood burning add on furnace into my house.
I don't have room for something like that. Space around the furnace is taken up by the pressure tank, oil tank, two freezers, washer and dryer and utility sink and the cats litter box
I've got the room, and even a window that could be made into a wood chute and a decent sized area to store a couple of cords of wood. I would need to add a chimney/ pipe though since there's only one from the basement and that's for natural gas ( water heater and furnace). If I had a spare chimney, I'd probably already have one going in the basement.
17 outside with the wind blowing out of the north at 25+ feels like -10 ick ick ick!!! 74 inside and rising got some black locust mixed with red oak.
Pretty chilly here today too. Looks like it will stay for a few days. We hit about 14° and supposed to get down to 3 tonight. Im throwing everything in the stove lol. Its eating the wood!
10*f and windy I loaded up the OWB with some Hard Maple splits. There was a nice bed of coals from last nights load of the same and the house is a warm 73*f. Suppose to get down to -5*f tonight