When I went to town today, I saw a tarped woodpile with a unique way of holding a tarp down. Unfornately I did not have my phone along to take a picture. They had gallon milk jugs, filled with water or maybe an anti-freeze mix in them, hanging from each eyelet. I hadn't seen it before and think it would work pretty good.
I use bungies and the eyelets on the tarp. I'll run a screw in a split to get the anchor spot for the other end of the bungie. I only use a tarp at my patio stack. Pretty much at least. Because tarps suck
Yup I seen any sort of container even rocks tied to eyelets, pretty common round here. And I agree tarps suck but I keep buying them. I have a collection of torn wind shredded tarps
Weights tied to ropes straddling a stack, can hold down whatever top cover you have deployed. That is, if you don't have any uglies to toss on top Sent from my SM-T280 using Tapatalk
I have used bricks for many years. Worked less than desirable. They were not hanging, but on the ground with the ropes cinched up. Now have old tin roofing on this year's burn stack. Working better so far than the tarps.
My longest run which is about 3.5 cords are tarped for top cover. Ill use punky wood typically but snow works awesome. Ill have snow on the stack for 5 months a year. Once snow is on them it often doesnt leave until the stack is all used up.
Or sand would be better than liquid. Or cut a larger hole and put stones in the jugs or something similar.
I've used water jugs in the past to hold down tarps, you don't need antifreeze. They water just freezes solid, still works. But I'm now using my wood roof/open sides top covering,
I just rolled up the edge of the tarp and rammed a wood screw with a washer on it right through the tarp every 2 feet or so. That's next year's pile of course. This year's is in one of those portable shed / tent things. Open 2 zippers, roll up the door, and you're in. There's no snow in there at all, and if you're splitting kindling, you're sheltered on 3 sides plus a roof. This is the first year I've had one, and it's been worth every dime and the time to put it up.
I'm trying something like this. I tie 2 water bottles on the ends of a rope and drape them over the tarps. Works pretty good for where my wood stacks are. My house and fence block some of the wind so I don't know how well this would work in a more open space. I would suspect that the tarps would get pretty thrashed. We did have 40-50 mile an hour gusts in Nov and they didn't budge so... I am starting to realize that nothing beats a woodshed. Here's what I'm talking about.