Any snow FatBoy85? My folks in Nanaimo on the island have some as well as my brother in Surrey. We are getting dumped on in the rockies but its expected here so it doesnt make the news. -7c and a full belly of larch for tonight.
We had snow fall at the beginning of November Sean! Maybe around an inch. Next few days its been getting fickle but supposedly it Might!!! I’ll snapshot what this week may look like...
hey that happened to me today.. In short, driveway is a skating rink. Do not attempt if you cannot drive.
Still reasonable here in the low 40's but windy enough to feel like 20F. But the temps. are going sub 20F next week so for the first time this year, we loaded the trailer pretty full and threw it up on the porch. Almost 100% oak but all hardwood, 2 + years old. The trailer is 5' wide inside, plus tires and fenders makes it tight going up onto the porch. Only about 8" on either side of the fenders when it is on the porch. And it takes 4 wheel- low range to drive both the trailer and the front end of the SUV up onto the porch, high range just does not move the rig up those ramps. Trailer and vehicle in place to off- load the trailer and leave it on the porch. This should be enough wood for about a month IF the temps. are not awful. It used to last longer but there are so many leaks in the house, I have to heat a little bit of the Atlantic ocean too. :-( This leaves the splits w/in 10" of the front door, and w/in 9 ft. of the stove. If I could figure out a reasonable way to do it, I would park the trailer IN the house, next to the stove and save a few more steps. Brian
Forecast says next week will be another big cold snap. Looks like we might be in for a real cool Yule.
Not surprised because it is going to be quite cold here too, and we get our weather from you. But it is tempered by the ocean and your 'cold snaps' are usually a lot colder than our cold snaps. Brian
That's cool. So far, not too bad, but it's getting there. Driveway skating is just a euphemism for doing the anti-gravity dance...AKA, falling on yer azz (or hip, or elbow, as the case may be). Stinny (and others) know all 'bout that.
Snow forecast keeps droping. We might get between a half inch and 3 inches. Temps will be droping by next Monday.
We survived by depending on each other!!! If you do the firewood ; he does the crops and I do the blacksmithing etc etc we are basically self sufficient ! The question then becomes ... in this arrangement what’s in it for the government? Think on it for awhile and it’ll all come crystal-clear
Has been warm so let the oil boiler take over. Cleaned the ashes out yesterday. Been burning mostly white oak and had one of those hard as a rock pancakes in the ashes like usually get with the red oak. But sure seems like less ashes. Hard to tell. Last log to burn left an oddball orange remains. Don't recall orange ashes before. Always something. Temp dropped all afternoon so got it going again before supper. Cold tonight, cold tomorrow, cold tomorrow night, then it warms up and starts raining Friday and thru Christmas. Cold, cold, cold returns Christmas night. Edit: coulda cleaned the glass too I suppose.
30 here in the city with no pity ... mid-teens next week ... better bring in the shag-bark hickory mixed with red-oak for some HEAT !
30 here and blowing, supposed to be teens overnight. Poplar and sugar maple cocktail loaded up for overnight, 'cause that's what was next in the stack. Loves me some sugar maple.
Yeah I have some mixed in with the red oak and shagbark ... burns well and throws some heat ... now if I cud just get some Osage orange hmmm