Have you read the above, how could it not happen. Dallas and Kevin and the gang posting ported saw, and GTG and, and, and .....
This is exactly what I am talking about. Everybody here is on the slippery slope reassuring the crowd on said slope it will be just fine. Build that ported chainsaw collection.
lol redfin is doing a 261 for me now and cfb mike is doing another hybrid for me i need to get off my butt and assemble the 064 its getting a 650 cylinder
i found a 650 cylinder but i also have a thick base 066 cylinder i thought about putting on it but it may be saved for another project
No way, then I have to tell-momma. One already is, my middle (boy 7) if its dangerous, has a motor, or involves....oh and mom will kill us if she finds out, he is in.