lol they pull you some but feel less like they are going to kick back or atleast my impression of them
I was paying attention to the various stances the different sawyers took. Lots of things going on other than just cutting cants.
Yes you need good footing and weight behind your front foot a longer bar will want to pull you in more as well A short bar on big saw is fun my Redfin 661 with 8 pin and 20 inch bar you need to push on it some or it's gonna 4 stroke and burple in the cut
I am sure lots of techniques, for each saw, bar length, kind of chain, type of wood, condition of the wood. Operator better be on the A+ game.
Catching up. Busy night. Got my weaned calves moved to the next pen. 10 of the little buggers. I'm beat .. How's your day going?
Morning guys how's everyone And about the stand they wanted 68 bucks for it and another 60 bucks for shipping They can keep their stand