is there any other cracks ? and how hard is it to take wheel off tractor id take off tractor groove out the crack and weld up then flip over grind out rest of the crack and weld that side but need to see where its pulling from the wheel
In looking at the square ground and file this looks like it may be difficult file to use. Holding the chain and file in my hand its doable but. I will study it more.
There might be another spot. Need to wash it up to be sure. Not to bad to take off. It'll have to come off one way or another.
if you have a air compressor a burr or die grinder is cheap can get from harbor freight or ebay for about 20 bucks and i can send you some burr bits
I have been placing the Save Edge, Stihl and Viiala files on the ground chain. I much better understand the angles. The Stihl and Viiala will match the ground I have, that is suppose to be to Silvey's spec. The Save Edge I could not get it to match. The other day we were showing pics of different double beveled files and was noticing a difference. If I recall the Stihl, Bahco were about the same.
Do you have a filing vise? Vise grips in a bench vise works, just clamp onto a driver and lock the vise grips in a vise. Or file on the saw with the chain tight. Or get one of these custom filing vises from member homelite410
Evening Kevin, how's you? Come on Mark, I cant watch videos for at least 7 more hours. No one likes working on patience. But will enjoy them.
Lol. You guys saw the one on ope I just did. I guess I can post here for Tom. He doesn't have a Dolmar dealer tho. Neither does anybody else either.....