Morning Jason. Yes I do. I am in cell service only when I am in town. So basically when at home cell, rest of the day sat country. Wife has one too, with our winter temps it’s not worth the risk of no communication. This is a pick when my youngest son and I was moose hunting a little while back. He was checking in with mom. We’re not sure if the ice conditions were going to allow us to get where I wanted to go. We had a mandatory check in.
Morning Mike, Dallas,Jason how’s you? All is well, today is my Sunday. Family trip to locate a Christmas tree before dark.
Not yet, we are slacking. When we leave it’s about 40 miles to the area that has good trees growing. Here it go find one in the woods and get it.
Have unload the truck and trailer from yesterday. Saw is in the truck and ready to go. We need a 20 foot tree.
Hey Dallas, how’s you? The ceiling in the living room is 25 feet, anything shorter looks out of proportion.