Discussion in 'Everything Else (off topic)' started by dall, Sep 9, 2017.
Just hope it arrives safe w/ no damage or effed up parts.
Where was it from? Yeah that doesn't seem right at all. I just meant the get with the times lol.
lol if it doesnt they will get a call
ordered from madsens
Holy hot!!
lmao page 395 boat anchor now
Wow they are supposed to be pretty good, but I have never dealt with them.
lol maybe im the one hard to deal with lol
Well I ain't got one of them. We'll have to wait til page 440
Just got this going.
lol hopefully its not the husky version like what is in my trash bucket in my building
lol grout lines are off mike lol
I don't think so. A tracking number isn't to much to ask for.
But I know a guy who has run a 395
Hey Mark and Kevin. Way to represent! Horaay 395!
lmao id say all you husky guys have saved that picture
Best answer!!!
Lol. Haaaaahaaaaha