Right-0 ... I keep my place at 65 degrees during waking hours and in the morn it goes down to 55 ... I average 6 face cord per year to heat 1400sq ft and am satisfied ... I could easily get 70-75 but my wood consumption would go up quite a bit ... I have an epa woodstove with a hybrid set-up I designed using thermal-mass ... can load up and get 8 hrs of EVEN heat once the mass is warm ... I’ll post a pic ... on really cold days (0-10deg) I have a fan in a 15 min timer that blows air over the hot-stove ... also have 2 ; 2 gallon stainless tanks that are filled with water that are replenished daily ... 65 deg at 50% humidity FEELS warmer to the man than 72 at 10% humidity ...
35F here. Have a couple super dry white pine splits running wide open, because they wont burn well otherwise. I needed 2 more hours before my normal evening load to keep on my 12 hour schedule that has been working, the pine should do the trick. Had an early start this morning and screwed it all up.
Almost in breaking records territory! Running the machine with some heavy hitters since yesterday. Why yes, the box is only 8" tall.
Oak now, was chewing through silver maple but that is not going to cut it for overnights this week. Temps. dropping, snow coming tomorrow and I am absolutely, positively not ready :-( Gonna' need a BUNCH of shear pins for the blower and 'cause it is a Honda, they are not available locally for anything even approaching a sane price. Nothing like some of our <way> northern brethren but still, a little heavy for us this early: predicting ~10" of snowfall (remember, the usual prediction is 12" to a foot) and temps. dropping to single digits by mid- week. Brian
29F here & supposed to snow through tomorrow, nothing major 6" total they say. Ash Elm & Red Oak on duty.
You’re kidding me. I just thought about this likely the same time you posted and started googling him. Apparently CFL may want him, and he’s riding in a new rolls royce... just some weird stuff i was reading about him and this topic comes up.
Oh ... I forgot to mention I was psychic? Sorry ..LOL “Johnny Football” reminds me of wile e coyote “super genius”
26 out 72 in the upstairs above the stove room. Heading for mid teens before morning. Sugar maple, red elm, hickory and locust down by the stove, we'll see what fits to load the Buck.
Jeez Ive been away from this thread for a day and a bit and missed a bunch of interesting stuff. Nice fog FatBoy85. What kind of dog is that layin by the stove?
Buddy she’s a mix im gonna scroll through my photos for a better one. So when I got her, I was told she was Alaskan Malamute, but I think shes a husky, malamute (small tho) or akita and mix of pitbull.
30 degrees at 1 am... loaded up stove with Oak... house sitting at a chilly 71 degrees... just got back from on the town... about time for bed...
Definately looks like some Akita in her. Does her tail curl fairly tightly ? I really like the 1st pic , looks like all business ;-).