Thanks, yes sir i do. Left work a little earlier to spend the rest of the day marching through fields. Saw some Red Deer and Hog tracks. 2 Roe Deer vanishing into the woods, wind and some snow kept me moving. It feels good walkin on dirt roads and such.
No prolapse thankfully. Just a paralysis/ nerve thing from being down too long. Gonna give her some steroids in a bit. Fixing to go to the vet & get some.
Hi Tom. Just came in from outside chores. Few inches of snow on the way so I had to stack the rest of those splits. Plus I covered up my scooters (boo hiss). Sharpened a knife for one of my sons friends too. How’s you?
Thanks, you have been a great coach. Between the feedback and pics you have accelerated my learning curve.
Doing good, way to warm here. Going in for some ot in a minute. Hopefully can get to some moose and caribou hunting tomorrow. The warm weather has me a little concerned about water crossings. The ice may have eroded.