We are finally picking up our stove on Saturday. Have no idea how to get it safely off the back of the truck. I keep thinking of those You Tube accident videos and our nice stove in pieces at the bottom We've got a couple old 2x8 board ramps that were used for a motorcycle a long time a go. Please any life saving ideas?
We've got a trailer but the roads we have to drive to get the stove are very bumpy. We are worried that it will get rattled loose, the trailer bounces a lot. We'll take all the bricks out just in case.
No, not steep enough. I fear that once the stove starts sliding down the ramps it may develop a life of its own.
Probably a stretch but if you are that worried it could be worth renting a box truck with a lift gate. Not the cheapest route but I don't imagine it being much easier.
get a come-a-long use that to control the progression down the ramps , 1/2 ton ones are not pricy. You would want anchor it to a very stout rope , chain, or ratchet strap anchored to both front corner tie downs in the bed. The inexpensive ones do not have the longest reach so you need something in between . A heavy duty 2" wide ratchet strap works well. Heck we have even used a rachet strap in desperation to pull a car on to my 5 ton trailer. Once have a come-a-long you will find quite handy for many other applications. By the way a 2x4 or 4x4 spaning a door way Plus the come -a-long makes moving these blocks of metal and stone almost fun.
Rolls and Kari dolly. $35 per day at the rental center near me. I put a 900 lbs safe in my main level and a 650lbs IS out of BrianK's house onto a trailer and into my basement. So easy a caveman can do it! This is BrianK and his son moving the 450 lbs Fireview out of his house when it came to my house. The IS move went just as easy.
Thanks guys, a lot of good ideas. Maybe I'm just too worried. I try to get some pics of how it works out.
When we picked up the IS stove from Tom in DC. He had a power dolly that worked like a forklift. He picked it up from the back of his van and set it on the back of my truck. I don't know where you could rent one, but it was really easy. I'll see if I can find a video
We got this guy's bigger brother at work. Better you could rent one of them too. Black Widow Motorcycle Center Jack With Available Dolly
Yes, those are pretty neat. I looked at Harbor Freight but they are a bit pricey and then i'd have to store them later.