Up till this year my go to was a 034 s or 036. Wading around in waist deep snow tripping over everything you can’t see gets old. I wanted to try a smaller saw glad I did.
What's the grinder Anthony has that is really expensive? I will take the 034 and 036 off your hands so your not tripping over them
Would not surprise me. The dealer is a died in the wool stihl dealer. Bleeds orange and white. Told me tonight he has the grinder in his old shop. Sounds like he has not used it in a while. May try and buy it after the first of the year.
Evening Mark. I am happy to have her. Dallas motivated me to gas her and give fire her up. Glad I did, I think I am going to have a hard time not wanting to run her.
034 super was the first saw I really loved. Then got a really nice 036 pro love that one too. Have a 036 that is crazy strong not as nice to look at. damm strong runner.
Was going to talk to Kevin about porting the 261 for me. I have 4 tanks throw the 261 now. She’s getting there.