I'm good. Sore. Glad to be done. Next couple weeks I need to trim windows in the new local resale shop. Then I'm about done for winter so I can play with saws
So I just put the parts on the power head Kevin sent. Fueled and oil 5 pulls and off she fired. Being this is a family friendly forum. I really don’t have normal words to describe. So it begins I am hooked. Ya just don’t get it till ya run it. I never knew what fun I have been missing. I now understand why everyone with ported saws videos cutting cookies.
We warned you lol I am always looking for more saws to get played with I just bought a 460 yesterday and that will be number 3 of the 046/460 saws
Stihl dealer does not have square file chain. He did tell me he has a square sharpener, started with a J something like Jimenez.
Said he has not had anyone ask for square in a long time. Will get whatever I want. I could have gotten the bar cheaper on line but he is local. And I like him.
I tried stuffing the wires for the tach it kept vibrating to much to stay put. Looked like 2880 for idle and could no tell for max it rips.
I had that one up to 16,1k. Told Tom to run it about 15 and see if it still pukes oil out the muffler