looks like we are going to get that warmup that hit you guys on the overnight. I just threw two sticks in the stove this morning to keep the temps steady, looks like I will just need to load it once more in an hour or so, then let it go until morning. Mid 40's tomorrow.
I like that one! I just bought a cheaper one with a single remote sensor for indoor/main living area. I like that I could monitor a few key areas of concern, kids bedrooms which usually have the doors shut because I am stuck with one of the worst cats on the planet that pizzes on their beds, and the utility room to make sure they dont get too cold.
Oh boy. Sorry about the cat. I should have grabbed a cheaper one but it’s not a loss. If anything I can monitor many different rooms with the intention of just maintaining a big picture for heat distribution. Plus having the RH% is actually a great thing to monitor. One thing that is probably more of my nit picks is that the temp is slow to register as it rises or falls. Understanding now that the sensors need to be acclimated but they don’t mean to be inaccurate. The steady temp is what we’re after. Never owned one of these before except an atomic clock that showed the room temp. I like this a lot in an overview sense. No need to get complicated.
I bought mine because I needed a way to monitor the RH moreso than anything else. The indoor outdoor temps are a plus too, because there is usually a significant difference in temps.from my house to what the weather reports for my town.
8c leeds uk. Fires just under 500c . Sat in dressing gown wi window open an a cold beer . Get another log on Washing's not dry 10 pm by the way
Oh definitely. Since no true circulation exists in my home, just outside air...fans in the house that’s why the majority of keeping my house warm was actually consisting of keeping it DRY. It was a MESS. Damp house meant a cold house. Windows would have a ridiculous amount of water in the track. Now so far...nothing has appeared. Stove was an amazing fix to this issue. Now monitoring it is a breeze for the both of us. No guess work, it used to be just by feel of the house it almost felt like it could rain. No joke. Im laughing about it since I no longer need to worry it out.
Just started the fire back up, haven't had one going since Sat. night. Cold and snow showers moving in....it was close to 60 today and down to 40 now, 25 overnight. Cherry and ash going in the Buck.
Started it over again with Alder. I left the house with Maple splits doing their thing this AM, still pretty nice inside. When restarting, I realized I did a top down fire with a fatwood stick. Doing pretty well now. 45 outside 67 inside. Nothing but cold at night. Very frozen morning as freezing fog was involved. Likely again through this week.
Nothing, its 12/5 and 65*... Looks like next week winter finally has decided to arrive, lows in the teens and highs in the low 40's...
Still 44 at 8:05PM on Dec. 5th. Burning a little Pine and Maple when needed. Looks like some cooler temps will be coming in this weekend. Down to the teens.
From 20ºF to 55ºF in 18 hours. I moved a cord of red oak that "fell over" although it looked more like it got hit by a car. Moved it about 30 feet. Been seasoning 3 years and some still feels kinda heavy. Couldn't find my moisture meter to test it. It'll turn up. Hoping to burn it after the cord of white oak is gone. That was this morning. Rain came in and there was still a bit of a chill with the raw. 1/2 Load of pine to start the stove going around 2:30/3 and then a load of maple around 5PM and damm at 9:00PM it's 55ºF out. No fire tonite. Maybe in the morning.
Sitting at 18 headed for 15 overnight. High of 20 for tomorrow. Loaded with all red oak tonight and man is it choochin' with a decent west wind and some cold air creating a spectacular draft! Glad I have a damper in the pipe for situations like this. Actually had to open the bypass on the IS to get some secondaries to fire as the cat was over 1500 and still climbing! Popped the lid and everything was bright orange under there. Settled in at 1400 at the cat now with stove top at 400-450. Perfect cruise mode should bring the house temp up to 72 for the overnight.
Still blowing, the snow stopped after about 5" or so. The roads are slippery as can be! Low teens now with a real feel of -10 and dropping. More snow on the way for tomorrow.
Just wait.... I'm sure you'll get the front that hit us last night. 23° and windy now. White pine and balsam fir in the quadrafire.
30F & dropping, brisk west wind making it feel 20ish. Gonna be colder for a while now, no snow yet. Mix of Walnut & Silver Maple cooking. May have to haul in some Oak tomorrow.