Mrs Backwoods Savage wishes to make it known that "she" kept "her" fire going overnight! We got down to 23 but the sun appears to be warming things up quickly.
Currently -9 C feels -16 C (16 feels 3 F) and not supposed to warm up more than a few degrees all day. Poplar in the stove and hunting on my mind.
the thermometer says it all! We lost quite a bit of snow, still have ground cover; just not much. Hillsides facing south along the roads are bare.....
Cold for here tonight, mid 30's lol.. Maple, cherry, walnut and a black locust split.. Quite the mix, and the secondaries are rollin!
I guess we get (some of) that cold tomorrow night. Supposed to be 35º tonight and 25º tomorrow night. Then back to relatively warm again. Kept the stove going all day and tonight with maple and pine, just not filling it and pushing it. Got a little warm at times but it didn't take much wood to do it.
3c/37f right now with a mix of doug fir and lodgepole pine heating the house. Im looking forward to winter temps returning next week since its been unseasonably mild for awhile now and much of the snow at the house has melted. It gave me the chance to do a bit more yard clean up today but Ill be thankful when this pineapple express leaves our area. Im getting tired of the cold rain. I went for a hike with my daughter this afternoon up the mountain. Lots of deep snow higher up (20 minutes from the house) but thinning here.
A nice bed of poplar coals. Our temps have been swinging up and down a lot here. At 7 pm it was 24 below , at 9:15 pm it was 13 below . I don't remember seeing such fast swings in the evening temps before.
-24 yep That's cold. I felt -24 twice in my life, I'll pass in feeling that again, way too cold for my blood. Sent from my LG-H871 using Tapatalk
42° outside. Just loaded a mix of alder, hemlock, and fir before bed. My electric heat hasn't come on yet this season and we still haven't got a freeze. I had snow here for a couple days at the start of the month, but it was wet snow and about 35° at the time.
That's not cold by our normal weather. 40 below it cold 50 below is really quite cold 60 below is Very cold. I've been in colder working outdoors . 40 below puts 20 some below in perspective real quick. The most important thing is to be prepared for it.
I let the stove go cold last night, it was 73F in the house at 11pm. Figured I'd be good until morning. Woke up to 62F in the house, found that my wife and step daughter came in late, and didn' fully close the door, nevermind lock it. Currently 32F and there's a load of maple, and home security procedure cooking.
I don’t think I have taken the keys out of my truck in a couple years. Hard to lose them when their in the ignition.