Currently sitting at -11 C feels -19 C, or 11 F feels -2 F, with more blue in the sky than not. The snow is done for now, but a slight chance for more white stuff later. Poplar chugging away in the reactor, same as always.
We've been relatively warm for a couple days now. Sounds like we have some big rain heading our way for tonight and tomorrow then cooling off again for a short time. Winter is not here yet.
Do you have a fresh air kit on the stove? If not you have to remember the air going into the stove and out the stack for combustion needs to be replaced. You essentially are creating a vacuum on your house and the only way it gets fixed is via that dryer outside air leaking in.
There is always a small gap. The part about this is my house sits low and the ground has sunk in. This has made some kind of water trap. The ground it is built on was dirt carted in from a landfill so its settled but the yard is higher than the area where the house sits on. Interesting situation, the garage has gaps too. The good thing is that my bedrooms are much warmer than they used to be and feels better too. I used to have a stack of towels that would get damp in the corner of the room, now No longer happens. Edit:Also my air is large in my stove(non cat epa so it going to be!) but I often have air coming in via window or door but my house is shut up enough to dry out these areas in my house that got really cold and damp. Water used to pool up in the window tracks. Now I have no such water....can’t argue about that... Edit edit: I live in Washington state there isn’t a day that goes by that isn’t humid here unless its the summer or its dry air in winter that doesn’t move.
They say we'll have a low of 18 tonight (20 at the moment) so we have a load of better hardwood going for the overnight burn. Tomorrow the temp should be above 40.
Looking at -18 C feels -25 C, and it's only going to get colder overnight. That's 0 feels like -13 F Winter in full swing I guess! Good thing we got a ton of snow so I could bank the trailer skirting. I dunno how much it helps, but I sure feel better when I do it. Dogs sure aren't liking the cold either, especially when they can hang out by the fire. My big dum dum sleeps with his back to the stove to keep warm.
I think it helps huge. Ive experienced lots of frozen pipes, frozen water mains etc when there was no snow on the ground. Even on water lines above snow I think it helps. We are mild right now with lots of snow on the ground so when it gets cold again Ill feel a bit better. Accessing the mountain bush roads is definitely done until spring. Its -2c/28f and I have a bit of balsam fir in the stove to get me through to my overnight load.
Good morning, I'm at 20 F and the house is nice and warm from last night load up. Plenty of coals and this mornings Elm splits came right to life. I have about 3/4 cord of Elm and I'm using that now.
27F this morning, coldest its been in about a week or so here. I was just burning the coals down anticipating a large reload when I happened to check the weather. Supposed to get up to 47 by about noon today, just threw a few splits in to warm me up for a bit instead.
I threw three small maple splits. Trying to figure out how Im finding random really wet splits in the recent wood I brought up to the house. I'm about a half a cord into this maple, first loads were all nice and dry, but now I will load up the stove, and one split is hissing like crazy and you can see the water bubbling out the end. Must have been a round or two that was wetter than the rest.
When this wood was stacked before bringing to the house could some have gotten wet? Loose tarp, or water running along and down a low spot? It happens to all of us from time to time.
it all got wet in the big storm 3 weeks ago when the cover blew off, but I left it uncovered long enough to dry out after. its weird, just one random split out of a full firebox
We had 25 this morning with the temp sitting at 31, more shoulder season wood in the Liberty. We moved more shoulder season wood in yesterday which left us with two face cord in that area (we'll save for the spring) and another two face cord of all sorts of wood just across from it which we'll also save for the spring. Once we're done with the shoulder season wood inside, we'll have burned four face cord or 1.24 cord.
Yesterday early evening, we had snow coming down like a screaming banshee! Ended up with just enough to call out the plows (a little over 3") but once again, it was the heavy wet stuff and compacted/settled down quickly. Kinda like the slush snow that you hate shoveling, no? These temps have to get cooler so we will have some normal snow or get warmer so we have no more snow. I don't care which one, just make up your mind!
Warming up nice here in north central Ma. It was 21'F this morning when I woke up at 6:15AM, and has warmed to 37'F at 10:00AM.
I know exactly what you mean, I HATE wet heavy, powder is so much easier to deal with. Up here in the northeast east we get our snow later than you. Feburary and March are our heavy snow months. Not to say we don't get it in Dec. and Jan. but the blizzards are generally later.
Another cloudy day here and it is the opening day of deer hunting. Still burning some shoulder wood and it is keeping the house warm.
Gonna be upper 50's with bunches of rain and cool down tonight. I stuffed a mix of junk maple, ash and locust in the beast last nite. Shut the blower off this morning before leaving for the workhouse.