OK. Here you go, this is me on my bike at Beartooth Pass, third week of June, 2011. Pretty cool spam, huh? Brian
So the load I put in this am lasted all day. Was 68 when I got home after starting the fire at 8:30-ish and getting home about 6. Pretty good since the wife didn't add any firewood OR turn up the t-stat. I added 2 Poplar and 3 small Spruce splits a bit ago to get the temp back up. 73 IAT now. It may have hit 20 today, but it sure didn't feel like it. Forecast is 9 tonight, so it'll be 5 or something when I get up in the morning. Long story, but last year, ours dogs locked the front door deadbolt when my SisIL was watching the dogs for us, so we told her to break one of the kitchen windows to get in. Well, knowing we'd be getting new windows this year, all I did was put up some of that shrink wrap film over the frame to keep out the cold. One of the dogs must have ripped it and I didn't notice until this afternoon (it's behind one of the chairs). Felt some cold air while walking through the kitchen (it was 16 OAT). I'm still wondering how the house was still 68 when I got home as there was a little breeze coming through the rip. Got it taped up and I'll keep an eye on it. Maybe the house will be a bit warmer in the morning now, eh?
HaHahaha! Better than me Dave, I cracked a living room window in a corner open a few days back when it was too warm & forgot. Finally realized it this morning when the corner felt chilly compared to the rest of the room. . At least I was blowing Silver Maple out the window instead of Propane I guess. Old age is a comin I think.
Went out to fire up the OWB about an hour ago and the wind was howling! Lucky for us the temps are a bit mild now. Real feel is still above 0 at around 5f.
15.5 hours since I threw 4 punky maple splits and four smallish locust splits in the stove. House temps are just starting to cool down now as the coals are just about gone. Gonna kill me to turn up the t stat before bed. Luckily the sweep will be here at 9am so I can get back to burning!
Oh damm. That’s like sipping 100 year old whiskey. I’ve never done it...but then again few have. You have the best you can have there.
Monkey Muffins. Its 37 and clear, just loaded some of these and turned up the air. Will reload more after a couple hours. House is warm. Band of Brothers playing, cheers.
Its a mild -2c here right now. I actually let the fire go out this morning since it was warm and no one was around to enjoy it. Here is a picture of my doug fir fire taken a few minutes ago. We will let it burn itself out and relight it after the remembrance day ceremony tomorrow. My 12 year old son is an army cadet and is part of the ceremony in the morning so that will be nice to see. Looks like the wind will be light and the temps should be around freezing so hopefully it wont be to cold for the older folks coming out. Full respect to all Canadian and American men and woman who serve and have served and also to those who have fallen to defend our way of life.
17 here.....just to put 2 splits of oak n 1 ash in .....got a little chilly in the bedroom....might have to make some additional heat!
They grow like a weed and considered a nuisance tree by most, they can get big if left alone. Smooth bark, orange heart wood, the berries are edible, pretty good actually. It's a decent firewood, burns kinda' fast when well seasoned.
0301 Alaska time it 1* and the wood wife has a white spruce fire choochin along and has the house at 78*. Just got caught with the door to the garage open, letting out her heat. Night all.
Morning ya'll, 18 out and 49 inside this AM. No fire since yesterday morning, that's why it was so cool in side this morn. But it's now up to 64 and warming up fast compliments of Elm & Cherry! Cheers.
49? Don't like getting out of bed now do ya? I would've had that fired up during the night time for sure! Thats cold for inside temps! While at the cottage on Tue this past week, the inside temp was 25!
Morning all, When I got up 0530 it was 19º out , That's dam cold for here that quick! Grandma was at an idle with some hot coals, 22º out now Grandma kick'n it good! 80º in the room now Not a good pic but "Puff" the dragon is steaming away
Hey, Welcome to the Neighborhood Scooter D!!! Good to have you here!!! Enjoy the time here, you'll learn a lot from the gang.
A Cold 12* at 7:00 this am sun is shining loaded up the OWB last night with a good mix of beech, cherry, elm, and white oak. Nice and toasty in the house 72*.