This time of year, it only takes a touch of oil/propane/nat gas/ electric/ whatever to knock down the chill a bit. Much more convenient than all that is associated with the wood stove, no? We ourselves are holding off from lighting off the OWB until it makes it worthwhile. Then we'll kiss the monthly nat gas for heat and hot water good bye!
Oh, if I'm chilly now I start a small fire then when I have a date that "may" require my being away from the digs I have my natural gas woodburner take up the slack and keep me at 56*. I guess we're just looking at this from two ends of the stick (funny pun)
That's right it doesn't take very much to keep warm. I for one am loving this warm weather, 72 out, got all the windows open now
Nothing wrong with going about heating the place in that manner. I know here when the weather is a touch warm for stove but too cool for no heat, a blip of the furnace, or electric heater on low is the best solution.
When it snows here, you find all the people with trucks just blazing down, no chains and everyone else is just trying to get to where they are going in a careful manner. I would have reason to believe that the people in those trucks are like "4x4 don't care about the snow pokes" The wet snow here makes it really unpredictable. Most roads around here for residential areas are only 2 lanes . So its not hard to spot the dummies.
Yeah, it finally got cool enough to not melt while splitting and stacking. I've been kinda lazy, but this is for next season, not this year's
Either way you were taking full advantage of it when the whole thing happened. Good on you to help the fella out (correct me if Im wrong)when his sons didn't.
Hopefully I'm not the only one burning here Friday night..... but 44° outside nice and cozy in the den here. Testing out a couple of small black locust splits on top of a doug fir coal bed. Burning pretty decent.
When there's snow on the ground for 6-8 months of the year and everything is frozen for 5 months . Driving on snow and ice gets to be normal. In the Interior , Winter is the major season of a year. However , just because the road is covered in ice, doesn't mean it's slick. When it gets cold , 30 below the roads and highways are the best traveling of the year. Ice actually gets sticky.
Agreed, best roads of the year needs the holes, cracks, chip seal all filled in and smoothed out by snow and plow. Anything -10 and colder the ice on the road fissures with cracks. it is super grippy. In this area we run 2 sets of tires, summer tires or winter tires. I have at least 2,000 miles this season on snow/ice covered roads, no traction issues. I have passed others and have been passed, I have no issues with it.
43 this morning. Still have not started the Wood Gun. There has been a little bit of the bubbling goo running through the other boiler though.
some people really have no idea how to drive in the snow. If I sit back ad watch their white knuckled 15-20MPH trip down the road, it will take me twice as long to get things done. From what I have seen, most people that run into problems when they are driving in the snow do so because of erratic action. Everything has to be slow and deliberate. Changing lanes needs to take at least 3 times longer than it normally should. Nice slow braking, and drive to the conditions/traffic. I dont drive like an Ahole, but I drive at MY safe pace to get what I need to do done. It used to drive me crazy when I would be out running from call to call either in a wrecker, or my plow truck in a bad storm, and have to contend with the halfwits who had no business trying to drive in it just to "get out of the house" getting stuck everywhere, or just driving slowly and all over the road.
76 yesterday, 68 and rain today. A slow steady dropping of temps after today. Looks like we will be seeing 24/7 burning by next weekend with highs around 40 and lows in the upper 20s. Maybe night fires for this week starting monday or tuesday night. Its comimg, I usually plan on 24/7 burning starting around Halloween week here.
Finally got home yesterday from the awful tropical humidity of Florida! This morning was 42 going up to low 70’s today , currently 56 and it’s really nice even though no fires still
yooperdave I'm betting it has been a long time since you've waited this long to light that thing. I can hardly believe how little wood we've burned this year so far. Not much coming up either but will have some fires this coming week.