It seems like it went from pretty warm and humid to almost fall-like around here in just two weeks. Not complaining too much, I just don't like to see the growing season ending.
Sorry, missed the question. Yes, it's an unheated cellar and it's also away from the windows. And I use the mesh bags that we would put the kids beach toys in. The keys for me are; harvest at the right time, meaning more than half the plants are laying over and you have a day or two of sunny days to let them lay on the lawn. Next cut the frongs and lay them in a protected area from rain and sun until they could get a frost ( similar to the photo ). And then lastly, hang them in mesh bags in a cool dark area. And the last lastly, the Stuttgarters are famous as storage onions.
Birds are into some of my grapes too. Mostly a catbird that I see and flies away and squawks when I get too close. I'm not seeing any yellow jackets either and I usually use their presence as the sugar content being high enough. I'm starting to wonder if there even are any this year. I've tried making wine with some and it has been pretty bad. Jam, jelly and juice come out pretty good though. The juice can be a little strong so we often add it to apple juice.
A cat bird was in them last evening and a few blue Jays before him. We had a raccoon raid last year with the drought. I let them have what few there were.
Last year I checked ours before dark and said "we will pick tomorrow " the raccoons then said "they're in bed let's clean them out and tear the vines down!" I was NOT happy!
Spent most of today picking stuff, dug potatoes with dad this morning Then went home and dug my small row of red taters ended up with a half bushel, even had some for dinner Picked a few tomatoes for freezing tomorrow and a mega zucchini someone forgot to pick Also grabbed two bushels of sweet corn that we put in the freezer for the off season this afternoon before going back to help my dad collect up our taters from the morning dig. Ended up with 3 bushels red and 6 bushels white russet bakers
So we pulled the jalapeno plants this eve. One yielded some great peppers! My sweet pepper plants are still producing as well. This hot spell has kept my tomatoes going too.
Question on wintering Gladiola bulbs? Can I trim them down to the soil and leave them in the pot over winter? My breezeway does get below freezing, but is MUCH warmer than the garage.