Here is that spot after I leveled off a bit and removed a couple stumps. Here is what looks like a small rock in the way. No need of that staying there to find with brush hog. Many times a very small part of the rock is showing!
I would of left that, looks fairly flush with the ground? Now your going to have another soft spot till it packs
I guess I would still say leave it and move on to other things. It would never occur to me to dig that one out. Unless it was your finish mower your worried about. I would not think a bushhog could even hit that one?
Yes Zap. That's what a rock looks like. And this is what a little old stump looks like. And here is what I'm doin with it! Do I have to teach you everything?
Gas, how's your almost a year assessment of your tractor? I know you've had a few different one's for comparison. Looks like your getting a lot out of it
When everything is working right I'm impressed. But I have had some issues with it that are frustrating, to say the least. They shouldn't happen with this little hours on the machine. If I could do it again I would spend the extra money and buy a Kubota. Or find a nice lightly used one. I have never owned an agricultural John Deere before. The construction grade loader backhoes I have run I have liked. We will see what Mahindra Dealer does keeping this thing up. I don't know what else I can do.
You're right! I had been following this thread and no longer received update notices since about page 12. Gas sorry if I opened up an old wound on this one.
Haha. No big deal. It's still unfolding in front of our eyes. Your not too late too see the final opinion on this one. Yea sometimes my notifications stop?? Sometimes it happens of you don't let pages totally load before you click and other times it is the software and sometimes I have noticed if I am in a notification go to the post and in the mean time I get another email, Gmail makes it go under the same email notification and if I then delete the email notification I just got the newest one is gone as well and I never knew I got it and that happens and I won't get new notifications after that till I visit the page again.
No biggie. It's still been getting a lot of work done for me. They will come and get it soon and get the transmission adjusted/fixed so it goes into low gear. And fix a few other minor things. I've got to go back to the job now anyway. Vacation over.
I saw this yesterday and took this pic for you. This is also a rock, just off the lawn, a BFR! That's my hat on a waist high bush to the left of the rock! A glacier left it and a bunch others here a while ago