Discussion in 'Everything Else (off topic)' started by dall, Sep 9, 2017.
Doing good Mike, how's you?
Good evening Dustin. What do you use to dye the plastics?
I'm doing great, just sat down to relax.
Rit dye, this is a mixture of grey 1 bottle, and 1/2 bottle black, trying for a darker grey
trying to camoflauge the saw ?
The top cover and filter cover is NLA for the 262xp, not much choice on this 1
If it ends up looking like a Stihl when you're done, at least no one will steal it. LOL
wheres the dislike button for steve
ive had 2 stolen a 361 and a 460
LOL! Were they died to look like Husqvarna's?
That ain't cool at all. Dang good for nothing thieves.
the 361 looked almost new and the 460 had a fresh rebuild
How long ago did this happen?
Just think how they felt when they got home and found out they were Stihl's. LOL Ba da bump ting!
361 was a 2005 model stolen in 2009 and the 460 was stolen 2 years ago
Feeling pretty good tonight, can ya tell. Lol
Best keep an eye on 'em then.
Best answer.lmao!
I had a saw stolen outta my truck years ago.
What do ya got in your coffee tonight lmao.